(13) Ben and Jerry's

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There I am. Beautiful on the outside. I stare at my reflection. But all I can think about is how things are going to go today. With him.

Jace Flynn.

Laila and Tessa are long gone. Already done with their jobs of making me beautiful. I'm amazed at their work. How? I will never now.

"It's just a date Cas. Chill." I mumble to myself.

Well. A date with a cute guy.

That you have to kiss...


"So where're we going?" I giggle, glancing at him as he steers on the wheel. He was taking me somewhere. A surprise.

"Just wait sweetheart." He winks, smiling.

God, he's got perfect teeth.

"We are almost there." He whispers, glancing at his watch.

"I can't wait."

It's not long before we arrive in front of...trees? Trees!? He brought me here for trees?

"Trees?" I question him, raising an eyebrow at him. A forest full of deadly animals and spiky trees?

Um no.

"Just wait and see. Follow me." He whispers, getting out of the car and grabbing my hand, signaling me to follow him.

Oh god. He has soft hands...

We tread our way through the forest. One step, crunch, another step, crunch.

What the hell am I doing? This is probably a prank by Carter or something...Oh shoot, am I going to die?

"It's not a prank Cas. I promise you, we're almost there...And you're not going to die." He chuckles.

Oh goody, did I say that out loud?

Finally, we hit a stop. And instead of more trees, there's a clear view of a steep hill.

"Oh no, are we climbing that?" I sigh, hunching my back for dramatic effect.

What? I'm a drama queen, deal with it.

"You bet we are." He smiles. "You ok?"

"Hell no! I'm not going up that hill." I shake my head. My legs are basically dead and I want to save them for the trip to my refrigerator for some Ben and Jerrys later tonight after my crying session from Jace being to weirded out by me.

"It's not bad." Jace looks up, squinting his eyes. At this point I've basically plopped my butt down on a large rock. My legs are dead. "Fine."

Before I know it, Jace is picking me up bridal style. I lay there cozily in his arms giggling as we travel up this mountain called a hill. Not only am I enjoying my rest, I can see a clear view of his pretty god damn fine muscles.

Why is he so perfect?

"Trust me sweetheart, I'm no where near perfect." He chuckles, softly.

Oh shoot I said that out loud again. My mind needs to actually shut up.

"Put me down Jace." I giggle, rolling my eyes and kicking like a 5 year old.

"But you have a pretty good view of my muscles...I'm sure that's something you wouldn't want to give up." He smiles.

It's actually not long before we reach the top of the hill. At this point, I regret my whining. We see the city evening lights and the sun setting. The billions of colorful buildings in the distance sprinkled across the hills like a garden full of colorful blossoming flowers.

"Oh my god, this is beautiful." I whisper, squinting my eyes from the sunlight as Jace lets me down.

"I wasn't sure if you would like it. I haven't brought a girl on a date in a while..." He gives me a sheepish smile, scratching the back of his neck.

"But you're Jace Flynn! Don't all the girls throw themselves at you?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah. That's true. I usually just skip the dating and go on to the other stuff." He looks down, tapping his thumbs together. Almost as if he was nervous.

Haha. Yeah right. Like Jace Flynn would ever be nervous about me. I mean, we got really close over the week but maybe he just was doing that for the 'other stuff'.

"Then why are we on a date?"

"Because Carter told me you were someone pretty special..."

Wait Carter said I was special?

"At first, I just asked you out so I could get attention and all that shit. But now, you're actually pretty cool Cas." He looks up, staring at me and taking my hand in his.

Oh god, I'm blushing.

"Thanks Jace. You're a pretty awesome guy too." I smile, glancing down.

I'm pretty calm and collected. My eyes
have wandered off to looking at his perfect pearly whites and my mind is thinking about how soft his hand is because he's holding mine. So we sit there quietly in silence...

Until he smashes his lips onto mine and they move in sync perfectly together.

As soon as he does it I remember the dare. The kiss. And I'm in a relief when I realize that he's the one that leaned in and started it. And then I'm in shock, because I realize:

Jace Flynn is kissing me.


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Bruh. This chapter sucks. I didn't even re read it cause I knew how much I would've been cringing throughout it.

Ok, I haven't posted in a while and I'm sooooo sorry. I've just been really busy and I've also been in a pretty bad writing slump. I'm thinking maybe a chapter once a week, maybe two chapters a week. I'm just needing to get back on track.

I hope you forgive meeeee!


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