(21) I Dumped Her For Lily!

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(Bailee and Alex ^ 💘)

"What's your problem Carter? Just let me see Ashton! I told you to stay away from me!" I complained.

What is up with this boy. I don't want to talk. I want to see Ashton.

"I'm not going to stay away from you. You want to know why?" He asked.

No. I don't want to know.

"It's because I like you Cassie. I like you a lot. I freaked out yesterday and didn't know what to do because you know I have anger issues and I can't control my temper and shit." He explained.

"But how am I supposed to believe you when you made out with my ex-best friend slash mortal enemy she-demon!" I rolled my eyes.

Doesn't he get it? There's no possible way for him to freaking by explain that.

"Just let me explain. Please." He pleaded, raising his eyebrows.

"Oh goody. I'd like to see what excuse you come up with." I muttered.


"Go on." I mumble, rolling my eyes again.

"It was all Alissa. I was trying to look for you but man, that girl has a great grip. She wouldn't let my arm go and I didn't want to hurt her because...I mean I don't punch girls..."

You punch them in the heart without them knowing sometimes...

"And she was freaking out about our relationship and she seemed jealous and before I could get to you she kissed me. I pushed her off because I was still with you Cassie. And then, I saw you running away. I thought you were trying to find me because that's what Parker said."

Ok. I have to admit. Alissa has been meaner to me and that does sound like something she would do...

Maybe he is telling the truth.

"How am I supposed to know this isn't a joke?" I raise my eyebrow. I'm hesitant now. I mean, he is Carter. He used to do this to every other girl. Kiss her and then have her heart broken.

"You said it yourself Cassie. You need trust in a relationship. Please. I promise you-"

"I believe you Carter."

And it was true. I believed him. But I'm not so sure I want to be in a relationship with him right now.

"But I don't want to rush into a relationship right now. I need to see where...where we are going, if that makes sense." I addressed.

I need to see if this works out.

"Because...I need to know that you won't go run off with some other girl if you're with me."

"Trust issues huh." He smirks.

"Talk less. Smile more. But honestly, I really did miss that smirk." I wink.


"Hey Ashton!" I squeal, running to him.

"Cassie!" He screams. Then he does that toddler thing and jumps onto me and hugs me.

Isn't he cute though?

"How's Ariana?" I smirked, thinking about that time I was here and he told me about her.

"I like Grandy more!" He giggles.

Again. We don't need another Carter in this world. I roll my eyes at that thought.

"How's Grandy then?" I ask, setting him down.

He thinks about my 'perplexing' question, "I dumped her for Lily!"

How does Ashton even already know what the word dumped means? And who the heck his Lily?

Never mind. I remember that he has Carter and Blake for his brother's.

I look at Carter raising an eyebrow and mouth 'Really' at him. But he just grins at me.

Stupid man whore.

"So what do you want to do today?" I ask Ashton, as he squeezes my hands.

His hands are so cute and tiny!

"Let's play..."

Please don't say 'Run From the Big Scary Monster'. That game scares me too much.

"Hide and seek!"

Thank goodness.

"From the big scary monster!" He continues.

Carter and I glance at each other for a second and laugh.

Oh this is going to be a long day.

Oh this is going to be a long day

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Short chapter, but I hope you guys like!


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