(34) THE END

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(8 Years Later)

"Happy birthday Cassie! I'm so sad I couldn't be there today. You're finally 25!"

"It's ok Tessa. I know how busy you are in New York." I chuckle, laying down on my bed.

"I'm busy? Girl you're a freaking actor! How'd you manage to get even a day off? You're always on set or auditioning."

"This week we aren't filming, just taking a break. I'm thinking about taking a little break." I explain.

Ever since high school, everyone parted out in their own ways. Tessa became a doctor in New York, I took on acting, and Laila worked as a kindergarten teacher back at our old town. Alissa became a big time model. Which sucks because you probably were hoping she had a bad ending.

As for Carter?

After I got into acting, I was able to introduce him into some singing agencies and he was able to get a record deal.

We're working the long distant thing. We used to live together since we're both in California now, but he's been traveling around the country. Now he's in New York right this minute.

I miss him.

"You should call Carter, Cas. I ran into him the other day and he said he misses you really bad."

"Yeah. I should." I sigh. "I miss him so much."

"Okay. Well I have to go. Love you Cas, have a good birthday!" She giggles before hanging up.

It sucks to be you when you have a birthday.

All by yourself.

But you know what could make things better?

A little bit of Starbucks....

What? Being a basic white girl has its perks.

I run outside of my house and hop into my car.

Yeah. Guess who doesn't need an Uber now! Haha.

And some of you might be wondering, did you ever get your motorcycle?

Yep. But it's back at home so I get to ride it every time I visit Florida.

I pull up into the Starbucks parking lot area and walk inside. The familiar scent of baked goods and coffee fill my nose. I flip on my sunglasses so that I wouldn't have to attract much attention.

Sometimes it fails to do so.

"Oh my god is that Mia from Mia and The Beat?"

"Yeah. I heard she's playing Adelaide in Superiority."

"Oh my god, she's the one that's dating Carter Wayford, right? I've heard all about their relationship."

"They're so cute!"

But good thing this Starbucks wasn't as popular as some others. The only people in here were a mom and her baby, and a couple of teens.

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