19 -Asia

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                 “You ready to go?” I ask Zahara as she changes out of the hospital wardrobe into her own clothes.

“Just about…I have to use the bathroom.” She says then she goes into the small bathroom closing the door being her.

I gather up the trash from the snacks I was eating a while ago, and I glance up at the TV up in the corner of the room. The news channel is on, and their just giving the weather forecast for the rest of the week. I throw the trash in the mini garbage, I sit on the edge of Zahara’s hospital bed and I watch the news.

“Hello.” Zahara’s nurse says coming in with the sphygmomanometer on a cart. “I need to take her blood pressure one last time before she goes.” She says looking around wondering where Zahara is.

“She’s in the bathroom right now.”

“Okay that’s fine, I’m Nurse Kathy by the way.” The nurse says offering me her hand to shake.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Asia.” I say shaking her hand returning a smile.

Zahara then comes out of the bathroom drying her hands with a paper towel.

“Hello Ms. Thornton I just came to take your Blood Pressure one last time before you check out.” Nurse Kathy says then she pats a spot on the bad. “Sit right here.”

“Okay.” Zahara says throwing her paper towel into the trash. Then she sits on the edge of the bed where Nurse Kath instructed her to sit. As she take Zahara’s blood pressure I sit calmly watching the news then that’s when a news alert comes up and shows a woman with her face down being handcuffed, and shoved into the back of the car.

“That looks like Rebekah.” I mumble paying close attention to the news alert.

“What you say?” Zahara asks looking at me. And I point up at the TV.

“Isn’t that Rebekah?” I say then she glances up at the TV.

“Okay you’re all good.” Nurse Kathy says then she makes a quiet exit after saying goodbye.

“Yes…that is Rebekah…what the hell did she do?”

“I don’t know.” I say as we both stare at the screen waiting for them to say what it is she had done to get arrested, and end up on the news.

“The victim was on the side of the road with two bodies in the trunk of her car. She didn’t put up a fight with the officers but she didn’t have a few words to say.” The news reporter says then a clip of Rebekah comes up on the screen and her hair is covering her face because the camera is on the side of her. All she manages to say was….

“I had enough…”           

I look over at Zahara and she’s crying. She has her face in the hands and she’s just bawling her eyes out.

I scoot a little closer to her, and I rub her back in comfort. Then I look back up at the TV, and it’s showing an image of both Rebekah’s co-worker, and her boss. I shake my head, and I lean down to whisper to Zahara.

“Don’t cry Zahara.” I say as I lean down and try to kiss her cheek. She pushes me away. And I look at her with a shocked expression on my face.

“Babe I’m just trying to be here for you.” I say then she sniffs, and looks at me sideways.

“This is all your fault!” She says and she gets up from the bed.

“Wait….what?” I ask confused as hell at her blaming me. I never thought I would hear Zahara say some shit like this to me even after all that’s gone down.

“You Asia… I can’t fucking believe this shit. Rebekah is going to jail. And it’s all because of you. You started all of this. You’re the reason I have this fucking scar on my neck which I had to get Stiches for…It’s all because of you. And I just can’t stand the thought of you right now!!” Zahara’s say pointing all in my face blaming me for shit I had no control of. And I get beyond pisses, and I slap the shit out of her.

And I get in her face. “First of all, your slut of an ex-girlfriend was fucking around on you with a manipulative, conniving ass old man. He pushed her to the point of no return. Plus she was already fucking crazy before you even met her ass as you can clearly see!!” I yell as she stand there with her hand on her cheek and her lips trembling from crying. She looks hurt, but I don’t care about how she feels right now because she hurt me by blaming me.

“How do you….know all of this?” She ask.

“While you were unconscious she was just revealing everything as if you were awake, and could hear her. The bitch is crazy…and it’s so surprising to me how your ass never knew that.” I say then I look grab my purse from the lounge chair that I slept on.

“Where are you going…were not finished here.” Zahara says grabbing my arm. I immediately snatch it away and I give her an evil glare.

“Oh yes we are. You just crossed the line, and I never seen you as someone who was so stupid until now. I can’t believe your ignorance. I’m outta here.” I say as I head for door when I grab the door handle I turn to look back at her and she’s in tears. “And find your own damn ride home.” I say as I walk out slamming the door behind me.

I speed walk down the hall furious towards Zahara. I’m so pissed I can’t even think straight. She hurt my feelings blaming me for the crazy shit Rebekah psychotic ass has done, and for her going to jail. Like that shit doesn’t even pertain to me so how in the hell can it be my fault. I’m not one to deal with drama or an ignorant as female so I can easily get over her ass. Just like she easily forgot who the hell she was talking too.


            Soon as I get home I see Kayla sitting by the window on her laptop, drinking from a coffee mug. She looks up at me, and immediately stops what she’s doing.

“Asia is everything okay with Zahara?” She asks looking above her glasses which she rarely wore.

“No everything is going downhill… I don’t think we’re ever going to see each other again.” I say as I flop down on the couch, and put my feet up on the coffee table.

“Why what happened?” She asks coming to sit next to me. She sits Indian style and crosses her arms.

“We had a big argument at the hospital as soon as we were about to leave because we saw Rebekah on the news. And after that ended I left her there with no ride home. Because she really pissed me off, and hurt me with what she said.” I say wiping a tear that managed to escape from my eye. I don’t cry, and I’m not about to start now.

“Well whatever it is I’m sure you two can work it out. Even though you two came about under the wrong circumstances I know you two are meant for each other.” Kayla says sipping from her glass.

“Nah I don’t think so.” I say denying the fact that I’m going to be missing Zahara like crazy.

“Yea right. Before Zahara…..when was the last time you were with another female?”

“Hmmmm…there was Stephanie, the girl from Detroit.” I say.

“You only went on one date with that girl, and that was over a year ago.” Kayla says, and I laugh a bit.

“Your right… it’s been a while.” I say realizing Zahara is the only female I have been serious about since….forever.

“Exactly…but what I’m still stuck on is how you left Zahara out there with no ride home.” Kayla says getting up from the couch.

“At the time I was pissed and I didn’t think about it.” I say crossing my arms.

“I’m about to call her.” Kayla says pulling out her phone.

“I’m not here if she asks.” I say getting my phone from the coffee table, and my headset.  I stick the ear buds in my ear and I play The Weekends latest album. 

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