21 -Zahara

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As soon as we pull into their parking lot my stomach starts to rumble. I suddenly feel nervous, and my palms become sweaty.

Kayla cuts the engine off and she sits there looking at me. "I'm ready when you are." She said and I glanced over at her with a weak smile.

"I'm ready. I just hope she would talk to me."

"Just apologize, and tell her you were wrong." Kayla says. "You were apologizing right?" She asks making sure that's what I was going to do. I nod, and wipe my wet face.

"Of course. I was wrong for putting the blame on Asia, and I want to tell her that." I say clicking my seat belt. We both get out, and we walk up towards the front door.

Kayla pulls her keys out looking for the key to the front door. Once she finds it she pushes the door open and once it’s unlock, she lightly pushes the door open and I follow closely behind her closing the door behind myself.

I look around, and I don't see Asia anywhere. I sigh long and hard releasing a ton of air, relieved that I wouldn't have to face her just yet. I've never been this scared to face Asia, and it's all because of what I said to her. I just don't want her to be upset anymore, because I still love her and I truly care about her. And for her to be mad at me for something I said is hurting me right now. I was wrong for blaming Asia, and if she doesn't want to forgive me I would try my best to reason with her but if that does nothing I don’t know what else to do.

“She’s in her room, and stop acting so scary Ms. Zahara.” Kayla says kicking her shoes off by the couch.

I lightly chuckle and I walk towards Asia’s bedroom. Kayla was watching me the whole time looking at me weirdly. I know she’s wondering why I’m taking small steps. But it’s just giving me time to prepare for what it is I’m going to say to her. Once I reach her door I hear the sound of loud music playing, and I knock lightly knowing she won’t be able to hear it. After a few seconds I knock again, and to my surprise the door swings open and I’m face to face with Asia glaring at me.

She snaps me out of my daze with an unrecognizable tone. “You just going to stand there, or are you going to come in?” She asks stepping aside looking like she doesn't want to be bothered.

I walk past her without saying anything because I just don’t know what to say. I walk around her bed, and I stand in the middle of her bedroom. Her cat jumps down from the tall dresser and wraps himself around my leg. I smile lightly at the cute cat, and Asia walks over and grabs him, and holds him stroking his fur. She sits down on the edge of her bed, and she just looks at me. The way she’s staring at me is making me so uncomfortable, and I can tell she’s waiting for me to say something but again, I don’t know what to say.

But I immediately think back to her slapping me at the hospital, and I think about the reason as to why she did that and I close my eyes trying to force back tears. Remembering the hurtful things I was saying to Asia just made me feel like I don’t even deserve her anymore. I shouldn’t have said those hurtful things to Asia. I love Asia, and I knew she had no fault in this whole situation with Rebekah. I just needed someone to blame for my f*ck up. And with all the rage in me I took it out on her, and I just can’t do it anymore.

Last Hangover (Currently Editing)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin