Chapter 3/ Not hiring!

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Selena POV.

So, after my ice cream episode with the backstabbing slut! I had told her what happened at work and guess what she did? She laughed at me! Now we are not on good terms, and she won't even know she's digging her grave even deeper! After numerous death glares, I decided I'd had enough and kicked her out. I just couldn't do it anymore.

I've decided to wake up early this morning...... 9:00......That's early, right? .... Yes, it is! So, I've decided to go job hunting. I have no idea where, but I have my resumes and application letters ready, so I hope shit goes well today.

"Hey, baby where are you going?" Ugh! I'm becoming to hate him. Every part of him!

"Job hunting. Can you release me!?" There's no way in hell I'm marrying him.

"Well can I have some sugar before you go?" He said while nibbling on my ear. Like hell you are!

"No! I need to go" I snapped. You are not going to stick that dick inside of me after dipping it inside of my backstabbing friend!! I so wanted to say that!

"Come on sweety. Please" he pouts. "You know it's been a while. If it's even to you know" he licked my navel. Well, OK It's not his dick.

"OK fine! Just be quick" I smiled. Let me tell you, his tongue is magical.

"Ssshh baby you know I'll make your day worthwhile," he said while kissing my thigh. Oh, sweet baby Jesus!


It's been 4 hours. 4 God damn hours of job searching and the only thing I'm hearing is 'sorry we're not hiring' Ugh! My back hurts like a bitch! My feet hurt too. Not to mention I'm blasted hungry! It's a good thing Jason loan me his tongue this morning... God damn! I still get shivers!

As I walked down the road with a sweat-drenched jacket, I felt like I'm going to pass out! "One more place" I muttered to myself. While passing by McDonald's I saw that they were hiring! Yes!!!! I speed walked to the cashier.

"Good afternoon can I speak to your superior?" I spoke. She looked me up and down then gave me a dirty look.

"What business do you have with her?" She said while popping gum. Is this bitch serious?

"What's it to you? I just need to speak with your superior!" I snapped. I'm going to report her. Doesn't she know my face? I literally live here!

"Well, she's not he-" someone stepped from the back.

"Is there a problem?" I'm presuming this is the supervisor.

"Yes, good afternoon are you the supervisor?" I asked politely.

"Yes, how may I assist?"

"I saw your sign at the window, are you still hiring?" She looked me up and down.

"Well, we are but I'm afraid to say I don't think you are able to manage the workload judging by your umm........ Weight," she said while the cashier snorted. I can't believe this! Unbelievable!!

"Your joking, right?" I wiped the pleasant smile from my face and replaced it with a scowl.

"No. I'm not. Don't take it offensively or whatever but your fat and I know for a fact that you can't stand on your feet for too long!" She said in a bitchy tone like the bitch she is.

"Its not professional to judge.... Bitch!" I stepped off "oh and I will NEVER eat here again! or recommend anyone to eat at this dump!" I spat while walking out "GI me that!" I said while grabbing someone's fry I'm starving!

I need to go home! I decided to take a cab since I've been walking since God damn morning. I can't believe that bitch called me fat!

"Pull over right here" I told the cab driver. While exiting the cab I saw Lucy's car driving from my god damn house. What the fuck was she doing here!?

I decided to look into the mail if my cheque came because I'm going full blast on them mother fuckers for depriving me of my hard-earned it's here. They're very lucky!

Bursting through the door I found a shirtless Jason. Youre kidding me right.

"Hey baby was wondering when you would get back," he said while pecking my lips "I made dinner. Your favorite spaghetti and meatballs!" He said while plopping a spoon into my mouth "Taste the sauce I add something extra!" Why is he trying to make me forget why I'm mad!!

"Yea it tastes OK. Why was Lucy here?" Don't get me wrong the sauce was TO DIE FOR!! But why the fuck was Lucy here!?

"She came to look for you, but I told her you weren't here. She left immediately though" I honestly don't believe a word that comes out of his talented mouth!

"OK. I'll be in the bathroom" I've lost all appetite.

"Are you OK? How was the job hunt?"

"I'm OK. It's OK. Everything is fucking OK!" I snapped and walked to the bathroom. Slamming the door, I plopped on the floor and began to cry. This is not how I planned my life! I'm getting older and I haven't accomplished shit! My fiancé is cheating with my best friend, and I weigh a ton! I hate my fucking life!!!

I need a change in my life!

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