Chapter 25/ It's Done

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Alberto POV

Nick is like a brother to me. I had several brothers, but he felt like the closest to me. I was surprised to see him at the gym today because its been so long since he has. I really want to deal with that problem he has though. No one messed with my family without a lesson.

"Hey, Papi. Guess who I saw today" I sat in front of my dads desk.

"Who, your soul mate?" He chuckled.

"No! You know I'm not looking for love" I scowl "Nick came by the gym today" he smiled.

"Ah, young Mr. Brown. Its been a while since I've heard from him" He took a puff of his cigar "That explains your eye" he chuckled.

"Whatever" I whined and crossed my arm.

"How is he though. Is he OK?"

"Yes and no" I looked at me in confusion.


"He found his reina (Queen) Papi. He's gonna get married!" I smiled.

"Shit! How didn't he call me? We need to celebrate!" He smiled and got up from the desk.

"But there's a problem Paps" his smile vanished.

"What's the problem?"

"Her ex. He keeps popping up, making problems" I explained.


"He slapped her the other night. But Nick shot him. It was only blanks but he said he was working with the law on him"

"This is unacceptable!" He clenched his jaw.

"But he sai-"


"I know Papi I know!" I got up and held his shoulders "its his call OK. We just have to hold out"

"Tell Pepito to get some Intel on him. I need to know about him right now!" He yelled and went back around his desk.

"Yes sir" I said and walked outside.

"Pepi I need some Intel on a Jason Decosta. I need it ASAP" I told my brother through the speaker. I really hope things goes well. My eye hurt like a bitch!





I just needed some rest. Just 5 freaking minutes just to lay my head on this soft fluffy pillow!

"Hello!" I yelled.

"Al. Get Papi its time" Nick said through the phone.

"What!? Bro, I didn't expect to hear this call. Where are you?" I got up.

"I'm driving out right now. Meet me at Sophia's in 15" he said and hung up. Well shit!

"Marco round up the men. We are going bird shooting" I smiled.

"What's the problem bro?" Marco asked. He was the second oldest. I was the oldest of course. Pepito was the youngest.

"Nick needs our help. Now go!" I pushed him.

"Papi! Time to go!" I yelled from downstairs.

"What's going on!?" He yelled

"Nick called" I smiled.

"Call Philip to get my Revolver" he smirked

"Yes sir" tonight is going to be a bloody one.


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