Chapter 7/ The morning after

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Selena POV




This is the morning I officially hate my fucking phone! As I glanced at my phone, I saw that I got 30 missed calls from Jason, 10 from Lucy, and 50 messages from God know who!!! And it was....... 12:30!!!!!! Fuck! I'm going to be late! As I scurried for my clothes, I remembered I wasn't home! What the fuck do I do? Where the hell is Nick.? While looking all over the room I saw a note plastered on the mirror with a stash of money on the dresser.

'Good morning sleepy head. I'm out for work so when youre up there's breakfast on the counter for you and a driver outside to take you to work.

Also, I left some cash for you on the dresser, have it. Its yours you've earned it.

-- Nick

While reading the dam silly note I was smiling my ass off. But the realization hit me. HE DID NOT JUST PAY ME FOR SEX!!! DID HE?!!!

I crumbled up the paper and threw it on the ground and walked out of the room. How dear he! Thinks I'm a fucking prostitute! He can just fuck me and pay me! As I walked into my room I plopped down on the bed.

"You know what! You have worked hard for that money!" I said to myself and stomped back to his room and took the cash. When I counted it I checked....? $1000!!!? Is he crazy!! I can't accept this! I decided to write him a note myself. I dug through the nightstand table and found a marker. Perfect!!

Nick how dear you think you can take me for a prostitute! What we did last night I wanted to do it. Don't ever think you can have sex with me and pay me!

But you know I'm going to take it. After all, I've earned it right?

---Fuck you, Nick.

---Selena 💋

"Fuck its 1:00" I hurry and got myself ready. By the time I was done it was 1:30. OK, I have 30 minutes to reach. I ensured to close the door before I left so no one can break in God knows I can't afford it!

"Good morning, Ms. Daniels. I'm David your driver for this morning. Mr. Brown said I should bring you to work" an elderly man said to me. He was tall and muscular with Hazel eyes and dressed in a suit and hat.

"Hello, David. Thank you" I smiled.

The car ride was a bit silent, but I decided since he work for Nick, maybe he can tell me what the fuck he does for a living!

"Hey David" he glanced through the rear-view. Mirror "What exactly does Nick do for a living?" He chuckled.

"He's the CEO of Browns Editorial" what!? How didn't I pick up?

"Are you serious? I feel terrible!" I hung my head low.

"Why is that Ms Daniels?" He looked at me worried.

"I asked if he was a drug dealer!" I chuckled.

"Well, I don't think he took you seriously Ms Daniels" he chuckles "Well we're here. Have a great day Ms Daniels it was very nice to meet you" he extended his hand while helping me out of the car.

"The pleasure is all mine, David. And it was very nice to meet you too" I gave him a hug I knew it caught him off guard but hey! He was nice. He tipped his hat and left.


Today went great. I got a lot of tips today and surprisingly no rude customers. Thankfully I remembered to buy a morning-after pill and took it. Jason called me 3 times today, but I ignored him. I don't really want to talk to him.

"Selena Sophia Daniels you have both Jason and I worried sick! So, you think you can just disappear on us for a full fucking night and don't call are return our fucking calls!!" Lucy yelled from the door.

"Bitch you just can't waltz into my workplace and create a scene! Do you want me to get fired!?" I scolded and brought her outside.

"Where were you all night Selena?" She asked.

"That's my business. The last time I checked my mom is in DUBAI!" I yelled.

"I need to know right now Lena. You had us both worried!" She demanded. Who the fuck does she think she is!!? After fucking my dam fiancée!

"That's my business, Lucy. Go home" I said while walking inside. I refuse to disclose my whereabouts to her.


Just half hour left. Thank you, lord! I'm tired. I'm hungry! I'm sore!! Last night was amazing!! We went another 2 rounds and let me tell you I enjoyed every minute of it. God damn!

"Lena!" Shawna snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"A-Ah yea sorry. What's up?"

"Some hottie is here to see you" what?

"What hottie?" She pointed at the door. What the fuck is he doing here!!?

"Nick! What are you doing here!?" I shoved him outside.

"Well for one I didn't have your number to call and tell you off so I thought I might do it in person" he said while crossing his arm.

"Tell me off! for what!?" I yelled.

"You thought I paid you for sex! Why the fuck would you think that!?" Shit!

"Ssshhh will you lower your voice! Because you left me $1000!" He shook his head.

"Lena. I did that because I wanted to. Don't ever think I would pay you for sex. If I did, I would hire a prostitute" he said while stepping closer.

"OK. But I can't accept so much Nick."

"Its rude to return gifts Selena" he said while smirking.

"Well, if you insist" I gave him a smile. "Look I have to go before you get me fired" I turned and walk off.

"Not so fast" he brought me closer " I wanna to take you to dinner tonight so when youre finished with work meet me in the parking lot" he kissed my lips and walked away without my response. Is he crazy?

"Selena Shawna Is asking for you! Get your ass inside!" Tiffany whispered. Shit I'm dead.

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