Chapter 4/ Unhappy

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Jason POV

I've never been so unhappy in my whole life! I did love Selena, but I don't anymore. A couple of years back she was the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Sure, she had on a few extra pounds but not as much as she did now!

"Hey playa how's Barney doing?" Mike chuckled. As much as its funny he can't be disrespecting Lena like that! After all, she's my fiancée

"Don't do that" I hist while pointing at him "Selena is doing OK. She's actually gone job hunting today again. I hope she gets through with something" its been 2 weeks of hunting and she still hasnt found a thing! I really do hope she finds something fast because if she stays home; that means more weight. See the thing is when she's depressed and stressed she eats... A LOT. More than she normally eats. I can't handle that right now.

"Yeah well, I don't think she will. I think the problem is her weight dude. Have you ever spoken to her about it?" He has no idea. The other day I brought it up and she almost bit off my head!

"Yes, I have but its a very touchy topic for her. I don't know what else to do" I still had a small number of feelings for her but its becoming overbearing.

"What are you two jackasses babbling about now?" Mark greeted us with our signature handshake.

"Well, I was just telling your boy here that his 'fiancée' needs to shed them pounds in order to get a job. Nobody is going to hire a cow!" That's it! I lunge at him.

"I TOLD YOU TO STOP. CALLING. HER. NAMES!!" I said between punches.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU JASON!!? YOU BROKE MY FUCKING NOSE!!" Mike spat. I hated when he did that. And I would be dammed if I would just sit here and allowed him to talk about her like that!

"WOAH!! FELLAS EASY!" Mark said while holding me back. I swatted his hand away.

"You tell him to watch his mouth, Mark!" I said while pasting back and forth.

"Its not my fault you have a swine for a fiancée!" He spat. I tried to go for him again, but Mark held me back.

"Hey! Hey! Easy" he said to me " Mike go have your nose checked out and Stop being a dick. The next time I'm not pulling you two apart!" Mark warned.

"Yea yea whatever!" Mike said while walking away. I plopped down on my chair and took a sip of vodka.

"Calm down Jas you know he's just fucking with you" he said while I glared at him. He can't possibly be on his fucking side! "Not that I'm on his side or whatever, he was wrong OK. He got what he deserves" damn right he did!

"I just can't stand him sometimes" he's like a annoying brother who never quits fucking with you!

"I know. But he's right in some sense Jas" he can't be serious. I got up and began to walk away "hey hear me out! There's a method to my madness. Youre a trainer for fuck sakes Jas. You train people at the gym that's what you do! The least you can do is help your fiancée, she's gone overboard, bro. I'm telling you as my brother and friend. Help her. If not for you, do it for her. One day she's going to pass out because of that weight she's carrying around Jas. Do it for her health" He had a point. I am a trainer at the Rock Hall Gym, and I have said it to her once or twice to come to join me, but she always has excuses. That's until I found interest in someone else. She left me no choice. I couldn't tell when last we fucked! That morning when I gave her head was the last time, I saw her kat!

"I have said it to her bro, but she just.... I dont know things aren't going as planned you know" I let out a breath.

"It's OK. How's blondie? Its been a while since I heard speak about her" he was the only one I talked about Lucy. Mike's a dick!

"She's OK. Were supposed to meet today but I feel guilty. Its Lena's friend!" Our relationship started a year ago. Yup 1 good year. It was around the time Lena's dad died. I just was overwhelmed by her excessive eating and sobbing I just needed someone. And Lucy was there. Sounds fucked up but its the truth.


"Well you should have thought about that a year ago!" He chuckled.

"You know she almost caught us" I chuckled that day was chaotic!! When we heard the front door opened, we quickly put on our clothes and acted like we were watching a movie. It worked. I think. But from that day Lena has been acting differently. I hope she didn't pick up what had happened.

"What!? How did you manage for that to happen bro? I thought you were careful!"

"Boy, I was caught up. You know her pussy is the tightest! Well, Selena is too but its like a new toy at the toy shop you just play with it till youre tired of it!" I just couldn't get enough!

"Well, if you say so. Even though I don't think you should be doing Selena like this though. If you don't want her anymore just be straight up. She's going to be even more broken hearted when she finds out on her own Jas. Act fast, she doesn't deserve it" he's right I feel so awful

"Yea your right. I've let it go on for too long. But hey I have to get going I'm making dinner tonight" I got up and gave him the signature handshake

"Yea ok. While youre at it make her a healthy meal" he chuckled

"Yea yea" I'm so confused right now.


"Hey baby are you still coming over today" just the person I wanna hear from.

"Hey Lucy, I don't know. You know I have to make dinner for Lena I don't wanna be late"

"Come on baby please. I need you!"

"OK fine! Youre going to get me in trouble you know. I'll be there in 5" I know I shouldn't but shes, my Buttercup.

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