Chapter 6 The Prank 2

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Brook POV:

  This is when the door open and Nathan comes out, the flour bucket drops on his head me and Sam are laughing our asses off!! Nathan looks furious as fuck Jay and Alex are trying not to laugh but fail bad! Nathan shots them a glare. Too bad that camera has no sound. Then he finally sees the trail of fake blood and follows it with a unsure look. Me and Sam are already in position. When the boys finally came out of the mansion me and Sam spread the boy's with water, before they could say anything me and Sam dump the bucket of feather over their heads, well actually  I the body because I'm too short ._.  They look like chickens!! Me and Sam are on the floor laughing our asses off xD!! As we finally cooled down we stood up and tried to catch our breaths. The boy's look at us with a shocked expression, but it soon turned into a smirk. Me and Sam looked at each other with. Sam sends me look that says *whataretheyupto??* I shrug. The boys walk toward us like predators. Jay and Alex held their arms wide. Then my eyes widen THEY WANNA HUG ME!! I ran like a lightning. I stuck my tounge out to Alex and Jay. But then they smirked. I looked at them confused. I didn't pay attention and ran into a wall and fell on my ass. Alex, Jay and Sam were laughing their asses off while I shot them a glare. Then I looked up and noticed that the wall was Nathan. I looked at him with a *i'mfuckedexpression* which made him smirk. he then picked me up and hugged, well more like rubbed all the feather and flour on me. Sam was laughing her ass of then I smirked. She didn't notice me walking up to her. Then she looked up and frowned which made me smirk. I hugged her while Sam squealing:" Brook get off me!! I thought we were on the same team!!" Then I had the perfect idea. I pointed with my eyes well looked at the bottle of fake blood. She then got the idea and smiled evilly. Then I shouted to the boys:" Sam and I are gonna clean us up!!" We ran to the mansion and Sam grabbed the bottle with fake blood without the boys noticing. Sam and I quickly changed into some clothes while explaining our plan with each other. Then we both lied on the stairs like we fell and spreaded the fake blood on us. When it looked realistic I hid the bottle. I knocked over a table to make it sound like we fell from the stairs. Sam and I screamed:" HELP!!" ans closed our eyes. Then I felt three presence infront of us. Jay shouted:" Brook! Sam! " and felt a towel being laid on my belly and Nathan shouted:" BROOK WAKE UP!!! DON'T LEAVE ME PLEASE" he shook me violently. Then I felt him gone but heard:" SAM WAKE UP!!! DON'T LEAVE ME SIS!!" wait they are siblings?? Jay and Alex got placed more towels on me. While I think Nathan hugged me. Then I felt hot tears. Then I opened my eyes and looked up seeing Nathan, Jay and Alex crying with their heads buried in mine Sams laps. I felt bad.

Sam and I looked at each other and nodded:" THIS IS A PRANK!!!" we both screamed which got all head snapped towards us

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Sam and I looked at each other and nodded:" THIS IS A PRANK!!!" we both screamed which got all head snapped towards us. Everybody ran towards us and crashed us in their embrace. Alex said:" I gotta admit the prank was lit! But never do it again, you got us so worried!!" Everybody nodded their head in agreement, while me and Sam looked at each other with sheepish grin on our faces. Nathan said happily:" But don't think you guys are getting away whit it." I rolled my eyes. The rest of the day we talked , watched movies and annoyed each other. Right now it's night time. Nathan is in the shower I'm thinking. They kidnapped I should be feeling scared and I should hate them, but actually I love them. My brain is shouting too move my ass out here while my hearts says stay here. I'm so confused... I lie on the bed and started to close my eyes with the thoughts about my situation. Soon I blank out


I'm so so sorry I didn't update :-( School takes over my life....(Well I am a bit lazy as well but yeah mane reason school ;-; )

I promise to update tomorrow another chapter.

love you guys x3

Aly *Q*

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