c h a p t e r | f i f t e e n

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Today is finally the day Bri is returning. She wrote a letter to all of us with a big smiley face on the front, informing us of how the funeral went.

I hoped she wasn't taking the deaths of her parents too hard. She kept blaming herself. Which is ridiculous. Why would she even think that? She's perfect and doesn't realize it. The way she comforts everyone, makes everyone feel welcome. When she bounces when she gets excited her claps her hands in enjoyment. The way her lips quirk up on the ends when she smile, or how the one side does it when she smirks. And when she laughs. God her laugh. Even when she sings. It's perfect, yet she denies the fact she has a perfect voice in every way.

"You alright there John?" My best friends, Alexander Hamilton asked.

I blinked a few times.

He chuckled. "You were kind of out of there for a moment."

"Yeah sorry." I said still kind of dazed.

"You excited?" Alex asked.

I jumped out of my seat. "Of course! I can't wait to see her face when you tell her you're getting married." I winked while Eliza passed.

"Yeah I can't wait as well." Eliza added with a laugh.

I was really hoping Eliza and Alex's wedding would cheer her up. Get her mind off other things. Eliza was going to ask her to be one of the bridesmaids. I'm Hamilton's best man, and Angelica will be the maid of honor.

We weren't quite sure when her carriage would be arriving, but we knew they would be dropped of in the park near her home. Brielle told us in a letter. So here we all of us are, waiting at the park. All of us being me, Hamilton, Lafayette, Angelica and Eliza. Peggy and Herc were suspiciously not present.

Everyone knew they together, honestly they think it's still a secret.

"What can we do to pass the time?" I asked after a long silence.

Everyone looked at me.

"Maybe we can just talk mon ami." Lafayette suggested.

"Wow Laf." Alex said. "Talking. Never would of thought of that one."

Eliza and Angelica couldn't hold in their laughs and Lafayette immediately turned red.

I punched Alexander.

"Hey abusive! You're girlfriend is rubbing off on you." Alex said while holding his arm where I punched him.

"You know what Laf. I think talking is a good idea. Just about ourselves. Whatever's on our mind." I said defending the Frenchman.

He gave me a look that said 'thanks' and I nodded chuckling to myself.

And so we talked. Just literally about anything. Which is something Brielle and I would do often. Just lay in a field, staring at the sky. And just talk. Or maybe at my house, sitting on the sofa, just talking. I can't wait for her to get here.

(A/N: Okay okay, I know. Very short and boring chapter.  You don't deserve such a short chapter especially because WE GOT OVER 200 READS!!! Oh my god I cannot thank ya'll enough. I got BIG things planned so, if you want more star some chapters! It really gives me motivation to write. Thanks!)

Gone Too Soon • Hamilton {John Laurens}Where stories live. Discover now