c h a p t e r | t h i r t y t w o

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John's POV

We told the men on the list, including Lee to our misfortune, about the hunt for Brielle and Eliza before heading back to our tent.

We walked in and were attacked with questions.

"What did they tell you?"

"Why didn't he need us?"

"I want to aidez-vous à trouver Brielle."

"I don't know what he said but I want to too."

"Guys calm down!" Alex said, already in a bad mood due to Lee's attendance tomorrow.

And trust me, as much as I was excited to look for Brielle, Lee didn't make me such a happy camper.

Yet he was thrilled when he found out he was doing something important.

Dancing around like an idiot. All he wants to do is get in her pants. Just saying..

Alex started snapping in front of my face.

"Earth to Laurens!" He said.

I blinked.

"Yeah- uh what?"

"I told them about us searching while the battle begins, and how Lee would be joining us."

My eyes narrowed and I sat down on my bunk, unpacking my things and putting my musket under the bed.

"No comment?" Hercules asked.

"I really don't want to talk about it, I have a bad feeling about tomorrow and honestly, I just want to sleep." I said, rubbing a hand down my face.

Most of that was true, I mean I did have a horribly bad feeling about our expedition tomorrow. But I didn't want to sleep, I wanted my Brielle.

I wanted nothing more than to lay by her side one last time.

I regret every moment I've spent without her, god knows I'm letting her out of my sight after she's saved.

Hamilton was snapping in front of my face again.

"John are you okay? You zoned out again." He said, his eyes filled with concern.

"Yeah yeah." I said, glancing at my two other friends that held the same look as him. "Sleep, remember?"

Alex patted my back reassuringly, backing away from my bunk which held no one one on top. Most likely heading to his own across the tent, getting rest for later.

My eyes drifted close even though the sun was still out, a pit in my stomach knowing that when I awake later tonight, we will find Brielle.

We have to.

Later that night

Hamilton and I suited up, grabbing plenty of ammunition and water.

Washington instructed us to search as long as we can last, assuming the battle was still continuing. And that if we take notice that the battle is over, return for our plan would be spoiled.

So figuring we will last more than one day, we packed food as well.

Not that the army held a lot of options for food.

Well no options.

We have bread.

We packed bread.

Alex and I trekked to the entrance of camp, already seeing most of the men there.

As we approached them we could point out a certain figure already giving out instructions.

That figure being no other than Charles Lee.

Hamilton looked over at me with a look that held 'bitch please' and we stared to jog towards them, prepared to stop Lee from whatever he had already started.

"Lee what are you doing?!" Alex exclaimed his hands in the air.

He turned to us and scowled, "Instructing the men of course. Someone's got to tell them what to do!"

The men gathered for the search party turned their heads back and fourth between us and Lee, waiting for a response.

"General Washington already gave us instructions." He said, trying to stay calm.

Lee threw his hands in the air. "Obviously he didn't because these imbeciles don't have a clue of what to do!"

I dropped everything I had in my hands and pulled a letter from my pocket.

"His instructions are here." I held the paper, proving Lee wrong. "I see he only gave us the instructions, indicating Hamilton and I shall lead. Step aside Lee, for you are the only imbecile here." I snapped.

Hamilton turned to me in surprise, for I was usually the one who kept my cool. But I was not dealing with Lee today.

"Alright then let's get started." He said, picking up his belongings.

Hamilton started walking off, me right beside him while the men followed. Lee complained the entire time.

8 hours later

We had walked for hours, the sun already up, covering miles and miles of old British camps. But we still couldn't find their current one, the one we're Brielle and Eliza were most likely being held.

Our feet were sore and our arms ached from carrying bags, but we all agreed we needed rest.

We compromised on walking East, a directions we've never tried, for one mile. Then rest could occur.

Yet the closer and closer we got East, the louder the yells and screams got.

And the closer and closer we got to the screams, the faster we all ran.

And the faster we ran, the more we could see lines and lines of red coats, preparing for attack.

Attacking what could only be blue coats on the opposite side.

Yet, in that mass of red coats, you couldn't mistake the two figures that were Eliza and Brielle right in the middle of it all.

(A/N: shit's about to go down... anyway happy fourth of july to all my fellow Americans!! Hope you enjoyed the chapter.)

Gone Too Soon • Hamilton {John Laurens}Where stories live. Discover now