c h a p t e r | t w e n t y f o u r

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John and I walked home together last night and he spent the night at my house. Well, we didn't actually sleep that much. We were up taking until sunrise, and that's when we finally decided to sleep.

Except I swear I was only asleep for one hour before John woke me up again.

"Brielle come on! Today's the only day I could get the whole gang together, and we are not going to be late because you're tired!" He complained.

My head shot up, "The only day?"

"Well, you'll see them all in your own time or on a separate account. This isn't the last time your seeing them before we leave."

I let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding. I could still see them three more days.

Well technically two not counting today. And tomorrow would mean only one day left with my friends. One day.

"Earth to Brielle." John waved his hand in front of my face. I blinked a few times.

"Sorry, thinking." I said sheepishly.

"No more thinking, just doing." He pushed me off the bed. "Go get dressed."

"Ugh." I complained but obeyed anyway. I was eager to see my friends.

Only minutes later I had a dress on and my hair pulled casually in a ponytail. I walked back into my room where John was scanning my book shelves.

"Ready?" he asked.


He grabbed my hand and led me outside where a carriage was waiting. The ride was spent quiet but not awkward.

We pulled up to the Schuyler Mansion where John payed the driver. He informed me we were meeting at the Schuyler's and would plan there how to spend our day.

I'm assuming Eliza was informed about Alexander's departure to war. Same for Peggy with Hercules.

I wonder how they're holding up. Well, I'm about to find out.

I knocked on the door. Angelica opened it.

"Hello! Mostly everyone's here we are waiting on Lafayette." she said.

"Okay great!" I replied and we walked inside and up to the second living room, where everyone was seated.

"Hello all." I said and did a wave to which everyone said high back.

I could tell everyone was not looking forward to the men in our group leaving. No one was smiling or talking. And Peggy didn't give me her signature tackle hug.

I sighed and sat down hand and hand with John, waiting for Laf to show. Turns out we didn't have to wait long, for there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" I offered smiling, trying to cheer up the mood. These next three days are supposed to be fun, not spent moaning. I wanted to spend every moment with my friends.

I got off the couch and unlinked my hand from John's and walked to the door, expecting it to be Lafayette.

I opened the door to find a tall man in a red coat uniform at the door.

My smile fell.

"Elizabeth Schuyler?" He asked.

I didn't have the guts to answer, I went to scream for help but he grabbed my mouth.

"Never mind, kitten you'll do just fine." He growled in my ear before a cloth reached my mouth and everything went black.

(A/N: hehehehe *puts up hands innocently* I always had this part planned, and I actually had it planned for WAY later in the story. But I felt this story needed some more action. You're welcome.)

Gone Too Soon • Hamilton {John Laurens}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon