2nd Act: Storm Riders

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"Aika, You know you shouldn't hang around places like these. You should study more." Hikari advised her. Lately, Hikari was too busy and didn't meet her close friend as before. She was either busy with work or tracking someone from the Kuryu Group.

Naruse nodded "I know that Hikari-chan." She was never one for going to clubs. But suppose she phoned Hikari and lied to her about where she was and said she was at a club. Hikari would immediately stop whatever she was doing and go to her location. Today was one of those days when she felt the urge to have a conversation with Hikari.

Hikari gave her a furious look "Don't address me in that manner. Anyway, how are you coping with everything?"

"I'll tell you Hikari-chan," she said. Since Aika was little she called Hikari, Hikari-chan. Even if she was younger than her. That was a habit she kept all those years. And mostly because it was bothering her.

After placing an order for a drink, Hikari sat down next to her. She felt certain that Aika would get in touch with her if they hadn't seen each other in a while or if there was a problem. However, it wasn't that much longer until the two of them did in fact meet. Therefore, she felt certain that her buddy was experiencing some kind of difficulty.

"What's wrong?" Hikari asked her.

"Nothing much. Just at home things aren't the same..." Aika started to explain when Hikari's phone rang. Hikari checked her phone it was an old colleague of hers.

"Hai!" she picked up the phone.

"Watanabe-San you should go at the Morgue. There was "an accident". Tatsuya-san ... Is dead." the male voice said.

Hikari paused for a second. She stood up looking worried. "Okay, thank you for notifying me." she ended the call. "Aika we have to go!" she voiced up and paid for their drinks.

"Wait Hikari-chan. I have to go to the bathroom." Aika said and run off. Hikari sighed and sat down waiting for her to return.

As Aika stepped out to go to the bathroom, Masaki showed up. He would go out to different clubs. "Not any girls!" he mumbled to himself. As he noticed Hikari by the bar. She was dressed casually like always. Jeans, sports- shirt,s and runners. However, she gave off a positive impression. Masaki walked over and sat down next to her in order to have a better look at her.

"Hey!" he said smiling at her. While Masaki observed her, he found the girl familiar.

Hikari wasn't in the mood for any chit-chat. She was ready to get really rude to him. Though as she faced him she noticed it was Masaki. "Hi!" she said randomly and was looking if Aika was back. She really needed to be at the hospital right now.

"I'm Masaki. And you? You look familiar have we met before!" Masaki kept his silly mode on and kept talking to her.

Hikari stood up as she noticed Aika. She turned and responded, "You wish!" Then she walked away.

"Huh!" Masaki wondered as he watched her leave with another girl. "Alone again with no women," he mumbled to himself and ordered a drink.

She returned Aika home, telling her they would talk again. She drove to the Morgue. She knew Tatsuya for a short time, but she really respected the man. There she found Naomi, Kohaku, Cobra Yamato, and the rest.

"What happened?" she asked deadly serious.

"A black Car hit him out of nowhere," answered Yamato.

"Where?" Hikari kept asking. She was sad about what had happened. But she was also worried that it was more behind this accident.

"At Sannoh district," Yamato added.

Hikari noticed there was no police around or anyone else. The corpse was given to be buried by the family. She knew what that meant. It was listed as an accident. "And the car that hit him?" she asked once more.

"The driver took off. The police just said it was a hit-run incident." Cobra said as he also couldn't believe what had happened.

"How can that be an accident?" Naomi yelled as she was crying out loudly.

Hikari tapped Naomi's shoulder and looked at everyone ensuring them she would check into it. She was sure it was not an accident.

"Saigo closed the case." Yamato notified her as they stepped outside. He as well as Cobra found it oddly the way everything went down.

"Someone Is behind it," added Cobra.

"Let me look into it. You take care of the rest." Hikari uttered and walked off.

After Tatsuya's death, more serious things kept happening. Kohaku was gone. Tsukumo was hospitalized. Noburo was in prison. Things had changed dramatically. The Mugen was gone. SWORD was created. Hikari didn't find anyone yet to pin the hit-and-run incident with the Kuryu Group. She lost two of her contacts. Tatsuya since he was dead. And Takeru as he was working with one of the Kuryu Group gangs.


At the end of Sannoh district...

"Chiharu... Finally found you." an Oya High member said as he spotted with few more members Chiharu walking. The male pulled him from his jacket. They ganged up against him.

Hikari was passing by. She was visiting Naomi and the rest, to tell them she had nothing new, about her brother's case. Maybe all the other detectives thought the case was closed. But for her, it wasn't.

She pauses her bike. Wearing her old black helmet with the sakura leaves on it. She spotted Chiharu. She had seen the boy before. When Yamato brought him to Cobra to be part of their gang.

Suddenly, a black-dressed man walked through them tapping the shoulder of one man (as he was talking on his phone). He ignored everyone. He was about to get a drink when the Oya High member grabbed him by his shoulder and pulled him over. He didn't wait at all, as he threw the man in the trash can behind him. He kicked and punched the rest, helping Chiharu.

Hikari watched them. She had crossed paths with the angry man days ago. Last time he was fighting again. The difference between him and Hikari was, she wouldn't get in any fights anymore. Neither would she go help Chiharu. She had other priorities.

"Wait I will call you back," he said and ended the call.

"This guy is Amamiya Brother Hiroto." yelled loudly one of the gang members. And everyone left.

Hiroto didn't say anything else. He grabbed his drink and sipped it. Then he climbed on his bike. Put on his helmet and turned his engine on. Before driving off, there was a bike standing next to him. To her own surprise. She stepped on the gas while holding the break. Making it clear she wanted a race. And Hiroto who didn't need much to get fired up agreed.

Lighting and thunder could be heard in the background. A storm was about to begin. He forgot the phone call. And stepped on his gas. And before they knew it they were racing at the end of the Sannoh district. They drove through the nameless city. Hikari would speed up and suddenly lower her speed. She wasn't speeding as she used to. And although she was keeping herself behind, Hiroto could tell that the person (behind him) could drive very well. After they reached the rainbow bridge. Hiroto hit his break and paused. Hikari followed.

Hiroto took his helmet off. And gazed at the person next to him. He only then noticed the sakura designs on the helmet. He was so long racing with a girl. But he didn't mind that.

"Scared to hit it faster?" Hiroto mocked her as he tilted his neck waiting to see who was behind the helmet.

Hikari took her helmet off. The wind blows her curly hair revealing her face. And a heavy rain started. She cracked a mocking smile "Scared?" She only said and wore her helmet. She hit on her gas and drove off on a rainy night.

Hiroto tilted his head again remembering it was the girl he saw months ago when he and Masaki were fighting with those Mugen new members. The storm continued as he was waiting for Masaki. But as long as it was raining, Masaki wouldn't show up. Since he hated the rain, for his own reasons.

((Next Chapter: 3rd Act))

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