8th Act: Anniversary

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Masaki and Hiroto had finally reached their destination. Every year, on April 1st, they were visiting their parent's graves. The only difference this year was, that Takeru was missing. They parked their motorcycle at the southwest side of the cemetery. Next, they crossed through the graves. Masaki was holding a bouquet of white flowers. Hiroto rested his hands inside his pockets. They kept walking as a bitter aura was surrounding them. As they came across their parent's graves they stopped. The Amamiya brothers knelt in front of their parent's burial place. Masaki placed the flowers against the tombstone. Hiroto poured some sake on the cross above the tomb.

"Gomen (Sorry), this year it's only us," Masaki said in a mournful tone. Hiroto didn't say anything he had just lowered his gaze to the grave. He had also the same grief-stricken mood as Masaki.

Meanwhile, Hikari and Aika had arrived at the same graveyard. Hikari lined up her motorbike on the west side. Aika dismounted the bike and started searching for Takeru's parents' grave. Hikari locked the bike and she followed Aika for a few seconds after. A minute later Aika spotted two men knelt in front of a grave. She couldn't see their faces, but they let out the same dark aura as Takeru did. She approached them.

Masaki spotted the young girl. He lowered his sunglasses just a bit to see the young lady walking towards them. He stood up. While Hiroto chooses to ignore her. Hikari was still far away. But she could see Aika talking with two men. Who, somehow, looked familiar.

"Is this Amamiya-san's grave?" Aika asked. The young lady had noticed the surname on the tomb. But still, she needed to know, who those two men were.

"Yes, that's true but.." responded Masaki as he was scanning her.

Hiroto with a lower tone asked, "Who are you?" He had noticed Aika, but his gaze was still pinned on their parent's grave.

Masaki took his sunglasses off and placed a smile on his face. He was once again back in his flirty mood. "Miss, what business do you have with our parents?"

"Parents?" Aika was confused. That meant that Takeru and they are related. But she couldn't finish her line as a few men dressed in white appeared.

The two siblings turned and noticed the men. "Today is a busy day," said Masaki

"A! (Yes)" agreed to Hiroto.

"Our parents would be overjoyed," added Masaki as they walked forward and faced the men.

"Um.. sorry for the trouble." said one of the men dressed in white.

Masaki wanted to know "You came all the way here." There were too many people showing up.

"Hand over the girl!" demanded another.

Hiroto with his hands still in his pockets asked Aika "Are they your guests?"

Though the men kept asking with a rude tone "Give her to us."

The sibling looked at each other. They could tell trouble was about to raise. Masaki placed his hand on Aika's shoulder and told her to go. Hiroto followed them. They didn't want to fight in front of their parent's graves. Masaki let Aika a few steps away. Then both of the brothers faced the few men in white. It took only a few strikes and they were already on the ground. An act that didn't impress Aika as much, as it did Masaki.

Hikari rolled her eyes as she found Masaki trying to impress Aika. She noticed them since Aika was talking to them. She wasn't sure if they were the 'Amamiya'. Their appearance there puzzled her. But for now, she was worried about the men in white that had shown up.

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