Chapter 17. Regrets

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Knightly's P.O.V

I don't know what came over me when i changed Micah's password with Star's and my name. Star is very happy about it but i'm not. As if that wasn't enough i called him babe. It's like when i'm around him my brain stops working and i forget that i have a mate somewhere out there.

I'm in Connor's room laying on his bed while he's getting ready. I already told him about Nala's prediction maybe that's why i feel like this about Micah. Maybe he's really an angel. We shifters are automatically attracted to beautiful things and higher beings. Wait does that mean Connor's attracted to him too?

"Con" i sighed. "Yeah" he lifted he's head and looked at me while wearing his shoes. "How do you feel about Micah. Are you attracted to him too? He was lost in his thoughts for a moment and then said "Yes, I'm attracted to him too but not in a sexual way. It's difficult to explain but it's like he's my brother and i want to be near him to protect him. Alcian feels the bond too. How about you?

"Well Star wants me to make him ours. That explains a lot right" i buried my face in his pillow taking his scent to calm me down. "What. Do you think his your mate?"i sighed again and looked at him "The elders don't seem to think so and i really don't know. It's too soon to feel anything"

"It's ok Knigh we'll figure it out. Now get up before you wrinkle your clothes" I got off the bed and straightened my hair and clothes in front of the mirror. "Everybody knows their orders for tonight? i asked him. "Yes, i made sure of it and we still have no information on the border breach this morning because Nathan didn't find anybody"

"Hmm" I thought about the sign that i got this morning about someone crossing over our border. "Consult a witch. I have a feeling that they used a cloaking spell" "What do you think they want Knigh?" "I think it could be something innocent like finding a mate or seeking help but things don't work like that. Find them soon as possible" "Yes alpha" said Connor while standing up.

The bedroom door flew open revealing Lilith who was standing in the doorway with a bouquet of roses. She looked beautiful. Connor and i both immediately ran to her taking out our phone to  take a selfie with her. We all smiled moved in closer then took the picture. I looked at the picture of us. I don't know what will happen when we find our mates but i know that for Connor and i family is our highest priority and we hope that our mate that will become our family thinks the same.

"Guys hurry up it's time. We don't want to be late" yelled Lilith and made her way to the elevator. She's been acting like that since we told her about the invitation. She can't wait to see Micah.  "and don't forget the wine". Connor looked  at me and smiled because i clearly forgot the wine. Eric taught us proper adequate in case we get invited to someone's house. So we know what to do.

We took a seat in my Camaro LX 4 doors. I bought the car especially for such occasions. It's beautiful and comfortable. Micah texted me the address earlier. It's not like i couldn't find it out if he didn't text me. His father works for us so it would be easy but i didn't tell him that.

When we arrived at the address i could see how beautiful the house was. It was a small mansion with a nice looking garden surrounding it. "It's so homey" squealed Lilith in my ear. "Lilith" i scolded her. "Sorry Knigh. I'm just excited to meet them". " Looks like they have money" said Connor. I nodded in agreement.

There were 4 cars in the driveway and there was a car covered with cloth in the garage. "Ok guys this is it. Lilith whatever happens don't panic. They don't know we're werewolves and i like to keep it that way" "Yes Knigh i promise" she said while clutching the roses closer to her. 

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