Chapter 19. Confused

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Enjoy the chapter guys and thanks for voting for me ;D

Knightly's P.O.V

I can't believe i showed Micah my vulnerable side and if that wasn't enough i cried on his shoulder but when he kissed me i felt guilty. Connor and i have been saving our first of everything for our mate. I couldn't believe that Micah was so bold to kiss me like that. Was he even gay? I certainly don't think so.

It was a very sweet kiss and when our lips touched it felt like i was in heaven. I felt safe and Star was purring in the back of my mind. He wanted to kiss Micah back but i couldn't take the guilt anymore and wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. It took me everything to control Star. He just wanted to jump Micah.

I couldn't look at Micah because i knew that those beautiful eyes of his would make me lose the battle with Star so i just stood there feeling guilty and not knowing what to do while Micah pleaded.

I could feel the pain radiating from him and i yearned to hug him and tell him everything was alright but i had to think about my mate. My mate who was waiting for me somewhere. To who i was ready to give my everything with all my heart. Why did the goddess make me have feelings for Micah. I was so confused.

Micah took my first kiss and somewhere in the back of my mind i was happy about it because of my strong feelings for Micah but i had to put a stop to it. It would hurt Micah even more later on if this keeps going on. I decided to talk to Micah about the kiss the next day when we both had calmed down.

When i walked out of Micah's room Connor was already standing there with a sleeping Lilith in his arms. When he saw my crestfallen face he immediately knew something was wrong "Let's talk about it when we get home" he said and turned around to walk down the stairs.

Mike and Lidia were still in the living room watching a movie when we got down the stairs. "Are you guys leaving?" Mike asked while standing up. "Yes Mike. Thank you for the nice evening" i said. Lidia stood up to and asked "Why didn't Micah come down with you guys?

"He's tired and we didn't want to bother him much and as you can see our little sister is out like a light too" replied Connor. Lidia came forward and stroked Lilith's head. "You guys are always welcome at our house. You don't even have to call just come by anytime you want"

I smiled at her and said "Thank you for your kindness Mike and Lidia". She smiled back and put an arm around her husband. "Don't drive above the speed limit Knightly and take care going back guys" added Mike. We said our goodbyes and made our way to the front door.

As we stepped out of the house we heard a cell phone ring. It was Mike's. He answered and said "What?" in anger. We closed the door behind us and made our way to the car. My mind was still a mess so i let Connor drive. He buckled Lilith's seatbelt and took the keys from me.

We were almost home when we heard Jeremy's voice through the mind link "Alpha, we got the suspect who crossed our border. What's your order alpha?" I wanted to talk to the suspect so i said " Lock him up in a cell. Were almost home" "Yes alpha" was the last thing we heard through the mind link.

"Alpha" "Beta" The two warriors guarding the main gate greeted us and let us through. Connor parked at the steps of the mansion and i stepped out to get Lilith who was still sound asleep. Nathan made his way to us and i could see that he just changed back by his clothes. He was wearing sweatpants and a tank top.

"Alpha, beta the suspect is secure and in a cell at the packhouse. We're awaiting your further orders". I looked at Connor and nodded. "Is the suspect a rogue?" asked Connor. "No beta. It doesn't seem so. He looks well fed too". Connor processed the information and said "Block all the paths leading to the pack ground. I have a feeling there is something more behind this"

"Yes beta" he yelled and quickly made his way to carry out the order. Connor walked behind me as i carried Lilith inside the mansion. He pushed the button of the elevator and we both waited in silence for the elevator to arrive.

"I'm sorry Knigh. I promised you we would talk when we got home but now we have another matter at hand" sighed Connor. We were on our private mind link. "It's ok Con it can wait" "Not by the looks of it. What happened Knigh? He looked in my eye. I dropped my head and said "Micah kissed me" A ding was heard and the elevator door opened.

Connor looked shocked but still stepped after me in the elevator. "He just kissed you?" He asked me after a while. "No, i was telling him about how he helped us and then i started to cry because all the good memories of my parents flashed through my mind. He put my head on his shoulder and tried to soothe me. Then he uttered the same words that saved us six years ago. I looked up to him and reminded him that. When he heard that he looked lovingly at me and then kissed me on the lips"

"That was your first kiss. What did you say to him Knigh?" I looked at him in regret and replied with "Nothing Con. I just stood up and walked away while he pleaded me to stay because i felt guilty that i liked his kiss so much. It made me feel so safe Con and Star was ready to kiss him back so i had to get out of there as soon as possible. I don't ever want to hurt my mate"

"But you should have said something to him Knigh. Think about how he's feeling now" I looked at him with eyes widened. I didn't even think about that. I will find him tomorrow and apologize. "I'll apologize to him tomorrow Con i promise and thank you for always being there for me Con". He smiled broadly at me and nodded.

We put Lilith to bed and made our way to the pack house. I felt a little lighter after the talk with Connor because i knew what to do next. Jeremy, Nathan, Riley and Luke were waiting for us at the entrance of dungeon where the cells are. They all greeted us and walked behind us to the cell where the suspect was.

"He's in here alpha" said Jeremy while pointing to the first cell. They had already put a chair in front of the cell for me. When i sat down Connor came to stand next to me with his hands behind his back and legs spread. The others stood behind us looking intimidating. We don't carry the title of being the strongest pack for show.

I looked at the boy that was sitting in the corner of the cell. He was sitting with his knees close to his chest. His arms were holding his knees tightly together and his head was resting on his knees.  He was shaking. His clothes looked a little tattered but still looked good. He was probably our age.

"Lift your head up" i said in my alpha voice. The boy whimpered and looked op. My eyes widened when i saw his face. He was beautiful. He had big blue eyes, full pouting lips and clear skin but he was still no Micah.

 I calmed myself and looked straight in his eyes "I'll ask you a few questions now and i advise you to answer them truthfully because you don't want to know what the consequences of lying to me are. Answer if you understand"

"Yes alpha" he whimpered. "What's your name and why did you cross our border?" "My name is Blake Raven and i crossed your border to seek help". I knew he was telling the truth because i could listen to his heartbeat. 

"Who helped you to cross our border and how did you get unnoticed". The boy whimpered again and answered with "Nobody. I used a cloaking spell to hide myself"

"Are you a witch?"i asked him. He hesitated for a moment then said "Yes alpha". I could feel the tension in the room. Witches are very difficult to deal with but if you have one at your side they can provide you from healing spells to protection spells. That's why many packs capture them and use them as slaves.

"Why are you seeking help from us?" Blake looked up at me with his big blue eyes and said " I need protection. I'm a powerful witch but i can't do anything if i'm attacked by a pack of rogues again. Their alpha captured me by using many spells but luckily i could escape with the little power that i restored. Their searching for me now. I just need a place to hide till i get my powers back"

I snickered at him "How do you know that i wouldn't do the same. I could enslave you too" I could see the horror on his face. He probably heard that my pack was peaceful. He moved closer to the wall, curled up and started shaking. Good that will teach him to trust anyone so easily. 

We are still werewolves with sharp teeth. We'll rip you apart if necessary to protect our loved ones and witches can't be easily trusted they can be your downfall.

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