Chapter Nineteen

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It was math period, and everyone was chattering like usual. The guys were talking with the one and only cool, handsome and popular Nate Anderson while the girls were chatting with each other about make-up and some other girly stuff. Some were even flirting with Nate, which pissed me off. And me? Oh, I was just being the usual boring nerd in school, reading the same book every single day. It wasn't that I like the book or anything. It just doesn't end! To be honest, this book was quite boring. The reason why I kept reading it was because I didn't like leaving books unfinished.
    I finally kept away the boring book once a very unfamiliar person walked in. Her lips covered in a cherry red lipstick curved into a smile as she stood in the middle of the class. Her face, smooth like a metal surface, crystal blue eyes looked at us with excitement and her blonde hair, wavy.
    "All right, class, shall we stand up and greet each other?" the beautiful teacher asked as she rested her hands on her stomach.
    Students were looking at each other with raised brows and some were even whispering, asking each other either where Mrs. Vandelmen was or who this teacher was. But even though there were noticeable whispers and small chatters, this teacher didn't really mind and just kept smiling until we were ready to greet her. And before I knew it, there was complete silence.
    "A very good afternoon to you all!" the teacher said as she bowed, coming back up with the same genuine smile.
    "Good morning, teacher," everyone said monotonously with bored eyes.
    "All right! Very good! Please take your seats!" the teacher said, now grinning, showing her clear white teeth. "I am Mrs. Penny and I bet you all are wondering where Mrs. Van—"
    As soon as we have taken our seats, the door was busted open, and there stood an unusual messy Mrs. Vandelmen. Her usual neat bun had strands of dark brown hair sticking out. Her glasses weren't positioned at the right place as it was a bit crooked. And her dark brown eyes showed how shocked she was.
    "P-Penny . . ." Mrs. Vandelmen started before suddenly dropping her bag filled with worksheets that had fallen out into a messy pile. "You're here!"
    What she did next shocked me the most. She had ran towards Mrs. Penny, almost tripping herself as she had forgotten that she was wearing heels, and tackled her into a hug. Students had their eyes wide at first but then just shrugged as if it wasn't anything surprising. But I knew that this wasn't how Mrs. Vandelmen act in school. She wouldn't hug any teacher at all. One time, during the Best Teacher Awards ceremony held in the main hall, Mrs. Vandelmen had won the Best Teacher Award for being the best math teacher. And when my history teacher, Ms. Marie, tried to give her a hug, she kindly refused. And what was most embarrassing for Ms. Marie was that they were on stage.
    Maybe it's just me but I kinda think that there's something going on with Mrs. Vandelmen and Mrs. Penny. Whether be it they were childhood friends or what, I just knew that there was something going on between them.
    As one of the girls picked up the messy pile of papers and neatly placed them back in Mrs. Vandelmen's file, there was a knock on the door with two strangely familiar faces—wait, I couldn't have met them before . . . but they looked really familiar.
    "Um, can we come in?" a male with tousled black hair and amber eyes asked.
    "Yeah . . . Are we interrupting something?" the girl next to the boy asked, who I assumed was her brother since they looked alike with the same colored hair and eyes.
    "Ah, yes, you can—" Mrs. Vandelmen stopped when the girl who picked up the worksheets came over to hand her her bag. "Ah, thank you, my dear." She looked down at the girl who shrugged before heading back to her seat, looking at the two teens who entered awkwardly. "It's all right, you two. Don't have to be so awkward," she smiled before looking at the class. "Class, we have two new students. Laura, Leo, please introduce yourselves."
    Laura cleared her throat before giving us a hearty smile and wave. "Hey, guys! My name's Laura Hanson and I like to play the trumpet and I love, love, love cute animals!"
    It was then Leo's turn to speak. Unlike Laura's hearty smile, he gave a smirk. "Hey, guys. I'm Leo Hanson and I like to play volleyball and I love cute girls."
    Well, talk about a dark and mysterious flirter. Even before he began speaking, some of the girls were already staring at him with flirty smiles.
    "Bro! You can't just say that! You're too young to understand love!" Laura playfully smacked Leo's shoulder, receiving a glare from him.
    The whole class laughed, making Leo blush in embarrassment.
    "Stop teasing already. I know you're older than me," he said as he folded his arms with a huff.
    Mrs. Vandelmen opened her mouth to say something but just as she was about to speak, the bell rang, signalling that we were done with lessons for today. Even though we only had thirty minutes of math with Mrs. Vandelmen, time flew by so fast.
    Mrs. Penny placed a hand on Mrs. Vandelmen's shoulder and smiled at us. "All right, class dismiss."
    Everyone made their way out of class, ignoring Mrs. Vandelmen who was screaming for them to come back. Mrs. Penny giggled and just said, "Let them be. It's fine."
    Mrs. Vandelmen sighed before nodding and told me and Nate, who I didn't know was still standing behind his desk, to return to our dorm. And before I could even say goodbye to them, Nate grabbed my wrist from behind and ran to our dorm with me almost tripping as I followed him from behind. Students who saw us thought I was gonna get beaten up for something I did as they were whispering among each other. I almost corrected them until I suddenly remembered that we were keeping our relationship a secret.
    Once we got to our dorm, I looked at Nate, confused. "Um, are you okay?" I asked, concerned.
    "No." He shook his head at first. "Yes." He then nodded. "Ugh! I don't know!" He grabbed his head in frustration.
    I looked at him weirdly. "Um . . ."
    He then looked at me and grabbed my shoulders all of a sudden, earning a small, surprised yelp from me. He looked at me as if he's seen a ghost. "Jone."
    "Yes?" I raised a brow.
    "Laura and Leo . . . Don't you know who they are?!"
    "They look so familiar . . . But I don't know why . . ."
    I looked at him straight in the eyes.
    "Leo and Laura were two of your bullies in elementary school!"
    I almost screamed.

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