Chapter Twenty-six

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When I woke up, all I saw was a black ceiling. I sat up and looked around. The curtains were covering the windows but I could tell that it was dark outside. I saw tables that were at the side of the king-sized bed that I was lying. They each had a light blue colored lamp which was switched on as a light source. There was a wooden table at the corner of the room with wooden chairs set in front of it. There was a flower pot in the corner left of the table with a withered red dianthus planted in the soil. There was a massive, old, white colored closet at the right corner of the room which seemed a bit creepy.
    The place that I was in seemed like some rich person's bedroom. When I shifted my left leg, I heard a sound that sounded like chains clanking against each other. When I looked down, my eyes widened as I saw that both my ankles had a metal cuff around it that was chained to the legs of the bed. I just stared at the metal chains, horrified.
    When the white colored wooden door opened, there stood Leo with a smirk. All I could do was back up against the pillows that were behind my back as he walked towards the bed, standing right in front of me. My heart was beating loudly and quickly as I just stared at him, trying to glare at his arrogant face. I was frightened to the point that I was struggling to glare at him.
    "W-where am I!" I demanded, shaking a bit.
    Leo let out a low chuckle before staring at me with an evil smile. "Where? Oh, you're in my house—well, formerly my parents' home."
    "Why am I here? Why would you do this to me!" I spat at him.
He hummed before leaning close to my face, nose touching mine as his smile widened a bit. "Why would I do this, you ask? Because no matter what I do, you just won't accept me as your lover, huh?"
"W-why would I even do that! I know that you used to bully me in middle school! I just thought maybe—"
"The bullying—" he interrupted as he glared at me abruptly. My mouth automatically shut on its own in fear. "The whole bullying thing during middle school was on purpose."
My eyes followed him as he paced around the bed. When I didn't say anything next, he just continued. "You see . . . Laura actually didn't want to bully you. I forced her."
    Laura didn't want to bully me? I thought as my eyes widened in horror.
    "That annoying bitch was whining as she told me that she didn't wanted to bully you," Leo said as he sat on the bed, gripping the black bed sheets. "All I had to do was slap her face. I said to her crying face that if she ever refused to help me, I would throw away her favorite bunny stuffed toy that Mom bought for her when she was alive."
    He then looked at me with a remorseless smile as he caressed my cheek. I couldn't move away from him because I was just shocked by the whole story. My lips were still quivering in fear as he ran his thumb against them. He then continued, looking at me with the same smile. "If my parents were still alive, they would have slapped the shit out of me if they ever find out that I did that. Laura didn't even bothered telling our butler that I threatened her. She just agreed with tears streaming down her hideous face as she hugged her stupid stuffed toy." Leo chuckled as he retreated his hand from my face slowly.
"W-why would you do that to Laura? And why bully me?" I asked shakily.
"I . . . didn't want you to know that I liked you," Leo said simply.
What the hell is with the coincidence of Nate and Leo bullying me either to get rid of their childhood crush or not to let me find out that they like me? I thought awkwardly as I just stared at Leo.
    "But why would you bully me if you like me in the first place?" I asked, trying to hold back the irritation in my voice, afraid that Leo would just suddenly snap.
    "Like I said, to hide the fact that I like you. I was jealous that you always hung around Nate—not to mention, you still hang around him now. On your birthday, there was a celebration in class. People were happy and excited, wishing you a happy birthday. But when it was my turn to wish you a happy birthday and give you your gift, Nate was calling out to you with a huge grin on his face. I was right in front of you and yet you turned back and talked to him instead," Leo growled. "This was why I was so pissed off that I wanted to piss the fuck off Nate as well. So I started bullying you with the help of my useless crybaby of a sister."
"Well, it sure didn't only piss Nate off as it sure as hell pissed me off as well!" I said with a glare, leaving fear behind for a at least a second before realizing what I had said. I covered my mouth with a frightened and regretful expression.
Leo only gave me a low chuckle as he looked at me with a smirk. I knew that I was gonna get it. I didn't know why I let my stupid mouth run on its own! I didn't know what Leo was going to do next, but I had a feeling that it was not going to be good. And I was right. Leo leaned closer to me again, this time our noses barely touching.
"Even when you're mad, it's undeniably adorable," Leo said in a low voice. "That's why . . . I'll only forgive you this time." He then leaned in close to my ear and whispered, "So, watch your words and actions or you'll regret it." He then placed a kiss on my ear, making me shiver before leaning back.
My lips were still quivering as I looked down at my hands. I was way too stupid to believe that a creep like him would change. I should've listened to Nate when he told me to stay away from Leo. God, why was I so dumb to ignore his advice?
Suddenly, there was a phone ringing. I recognized the ringtone immediately and knew that it was my phone. Leo chuckled and pulled my phone out of his pocket, showing me that the caller was Nate. I glared at Leo and tried to snatch the phone away. But as I reached my hand out to grab my phone, I remembered what Leo told me. My hand stopped moving forward and began retreating as I just silently cursed under my breath.
Leo then stood up with a triumphant smirk. "I'm glad that you've remembered what I have told you. You could've gotten yourself and maybe Nate into trouble if you hadn't retreated your hand."
I looked up at him. "Stay away from Nate! Don't you dare go near him!"
Leo didn't give an answer and just laughed as he left my phone ringing in his hand before shoving it in his pocket.
"Well then, I'm heading out to buy dinner for both of us. Be grateful," Leo told me as he walked out of the room, closing the door.
"Fuck your dinner," I growled lowly to myself.
I pulled my legs close to my chest and tried my best not to cry. But tears slipped out of my eyes anyway. I buried my face in my knees to hide my face as I bit my lips.
    "I'm sorry, Nate . . ." I whispered as more tears streamed down my face.

Tutor and Tutee (Deleting)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz