Chapter Twenty-eight

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I stared at Leo, horrified. I couldn't move a muscle. I was so scared that I started quivering. I knew that if I disobey him, he would . . . I don't even want to know . . . I just knew that he was going to do something bad to Nate and I wouldn't like that.
    Leo let out a questioning hum before asking, "Why aren't you stripping?"
I just frowned at him, not saying anything as I let out a soft growl.
Leo studied my face. "Ahh, I see. You're mad that I'm not stripping you!" He laughed at his assumption which made me widen my eyes as I stared at him in disgust. As if I would even let him do that. I haven't even given Nate permission, so there was no way I was gonna allow this guy to strip me.
Leo smirked at he gripped my chin lightly. "I'll strip you forcefully if you don't obey me." I shuddered. I didn't want to strip for Leo but at the same time, I didn't have a choice. And I was already afraid when he told me to strip because I had an idea of what I think he was going to do.
As I trembled, I shakily pulled off the velvet red long-sleeved shirt I was wearing. Leo was smirking as he watched me. I couldn't even tell if he was looking at my face or my nipples. I slowly removed my pants. And I was only left in my boxers. I automatically shifted my arms in front of my crotch to cover it as if I was already naked without removing my boxers. I looked away in embarrassment, still able to feel Leo's gaze.
As I looked back at him, still red-faced, he moved closer and I immediately backed away. He placed his right hand on my chest, trailing his index finger down, nearly touching my belly button. "Good boy . . ." he said softly in his deep voice. Great. Now he's treating me like a dog.
"All that's left is your boxers . . . or do you want me to do the honor of pulling it off for you?" Leo smirked as he tugged at my boxers, pulling it down a bit.
I gripped his wrist, embarrassed blush still visible as I shook my head. He smirked satisfyingly and released my boxers, standing back to watch me again. My hands were clammy and they were trembling a lot more than before as I took a deep breath before pulling off my boxers. My hands immediately covered my crotch area. I just stared at Leo as if I was about to cry.
"Well done," Leo said as he walked over, carrying me on his shoulder like a potato sack without warning. I yelped a bit from how exposed I was and how sudden the action was. He then started walking. And before I knew it, we were in the bathroom.
Wait, why are we in the bathroom? I thought as I looked at Leo cautiously which made him chuckle. He then placed me down in the huge empty bathtub. He grabbed the handheld shower head from beside the water tap and twisted the knob that connects to the shower head so that water could spray out. He then directed the water at me and I immediately closed my eyes shut as I covered my crotch.
    This guy is showering me! Are you for real?! I thought.
Once the water stopped, I opened one eye slowly to see Leo squeezing shampoo onto his palm before rubbing his palms together. Once he noticed me staring, he smirked before leaning close to me and scrubbing my hair. I just closed my eyes, not wanting the shampoo to get in my eyes, wishing for his touch to go away.
Once he was done, I wanted to open my eyes to look at him but I ended up getting water in my eyes. I started rubbing them as the water washed away the shampoo in my hair, only for it to stop once my hair was clean.
When the water stopped, I opened my eyes to see Leo squeezing shower gel onto his palm this time. And I had an idea of what was coming up next. I wanted to tell him that I could wash my body myself but only a few inaudible stuttered words came out. Leo looked at me with a triumphant smirk, only to ask, "I'm sorry, did you say something? I didn't hear you."
    I opened my mouth, wanting to make my words clearer but apparently, nothing came out. I just shut my mouth miserably, not knowing why I couldn't tell him what I wanted.
    "Nothing?" Leo asked, smirk still plastered on his face. "All right then. Stand up."
    I stood up shakily, both hands covering my crotch as I just stared at him uncomfortably. He stared at my hands and frowned, trying to pull them away so that he could wash my body. I refused, using my strength to hold back as my hands stayed where they were.
    Dissatisfied, Leo frowned before recovering his smirk again as he leaned in close to my ear and whispered in a dark tone, "Move. Your. Arms." After hearing that, my arms automatically moved away shakily. It was as if I wasn't even controlling my own body anymore. I couldn't help but listen to Leo as I dare not to disobey him again. He started rubbing the shower gel all over my body.
    Once he got to my chest, he rubbed the shower gel over my nipples with his thumbs. He did that on purpose! I thought as I tried to hold back my glare, face turning pink as I wobbled a bit.
    I could've sworn I saw a smirk on his face for a few seconds before his face became focused on washing my body. Once he almost reached my lower region, I instinctively gripped his wrists before realizing what I've done. I immediately let go of his wrists before stuttering out a few inaudible words.
    "I can't hear you," Leo said in a teasing tone.
    "I-I said that I'll do it myself . . ." I said, increasing my voice.
    Leo chuckled, "All right, if you say so." Before standing up, he kissed my forehead before walking to the corner of the bathroom, leaning against the wall. Wait, why is he still here? I thought as I looked over to him with an uncomfortable look.
    "Go on," he insisted with a smirk disguised as an innocent smile.
I didn't want to disobey him because the thought of him reacting to me not doing as he say was apprehensive. I then began washing myself, trying to avoid his malicious gaze.
Once I was finally done with the dreaded showering, Leo wrapped a towel around me, wiping my hair and body. I felt awkward because it seemed like it was a butler taking care of his master's child or something. But there wasn't anything appropriate about this at all . . .
The clothing that he gave me to wear was only his big black long-sleeved shirt which managed to cover until my thigh area and that's all. No pants, no boxers whatsoever. Just a huge long-sleeved shirt. And I still felt very exposed even though I was wearing at least a piece of clothing on me.
Leo took my hand and lead me to the bed, telling me to lie down. Once I did as told reluctantly, he lied down next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me close to his chest as if we were hugging. He then told me to sleep as he closed his eyes.
Once I made sure he was asleep, I tried to push him away but his eyes opened and he had a sort of disappointed and dissatisfied look. He then leaned in near to my face and whispered, "I took the initiative to hold myself back from fucking you because I knew that sexual intercourse wouldn't get you to love me back. Do me this one favor and sleep with me in my arms before I really change my mind."
Leo closed his eyes and hugged me closer to him before I could even say anything. I hated the way he treated me. But if I disobeyed him . . . I knew that nothing was gonna end well. I just have to oblige him until I find a way out of here.

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