Chapter Twenty-nine

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I had a bad dream last night. Oddly, my bad dream contained the events of what I pictured of Leo's past.
In my dream, I could see Leo and Laura running around the playground outside their house together, playing tag. A year passed quickly as I visioned them growing bigger and taller.
Minutes passed after their parents' death caused by a car accident and they were crying in the arms of their butler. Soon, after a month, I could vision Leo looking at a young Nate and me playing together with hurt and jealousy in his eyes. I then visioned myself. It was my birthday. And I could see Leo wishing me a happy birthday while giving me my gift. Before I could take it, Nate called out to me and I ran to him instead. I could see that Leo was mad in my dreams.
After the butler brought the siblings home, he told them that he had to run some errands and that he would be back fifteen minutes later. After he left, Leo was left alone with Laura in their room. He then started screaming at her, even throwing toys at her as she hugged her stuffed bunny that their mom had bought for her. Leo threatened her mercilessly, even screaming some vulgarities from only-god-knows-where he got them from as she tried her best to talk back.
    And then, there was an untold event where he tore the left ear of the stuffed bunny and threw both the bunny and its ear on the floor harshly, even kicking it towards her as if it was a soccer ball. After that, this was the part where Leo threatened Laura, telling her that he would throw away her stuffed bunny if she didn't agree to help him out. She agreed with fat tears rolling down her cheeks as she picked up the stuffed bunny and its torn ear.
    Before leaving, Leo stood in front of Laura and pushed her, making her fall with her stuffed bunny in her hands. He left her alone while she was trying to get up, sobbing loudly from the emotional and physical pain.
    When the butler finally got back, he saw Laura with puffy red eyes and her stuffed toy in her arms. She held out her left hand which was holding the torn bunny ear, begging the butler to fix it. The butler agreed as he knelt down, taking the bunny and its ear with him. He then asked her what happened but she quickly made up some excuse, remembering Leo's threat. The butler didn't seem to believe her, but patted her head and comforted her with a sad smile.
    I finally opened my eyes, waking up from the horrible dream. I could hear clipping noises and I could feel that I wasn't lying on the bed.
    When I finally got to my conscious, I could see my hand being held by another hand. There was another hand that clipped my nails gently and carefully. I turned my head to the left to see Leo focusing on my nails. I was leaning against him, sitting on the bed, in between his legs.
    Leo was smiling gently but I knew that his smile wouldn't last long. Not long enough for me to develop Stockholm syndrome anyway. I knew that he was a devil with an angel's smile.
    Once Leo was done with my right hand, he looked at me with a gentle smile before holding my left hand up gently, clipping my nails.
    I have never gotten my nails clipped by someone until now—not counting my childhood. It felt weird to have my hand held by someone just for them to clip my nails. I would've liked it if it were Nate doing it for me instead. But it wasn't. Instead, it was a devil disguised as an angel.
    Once Leo was done clipping my nails and binning the clipped nails away, he noticed that I had a very tired and deadpan expression on my face as I just stared at the wall in front of me blankly. I could tell that he didn't like that. He told me to stand up and turn around, which I did as I got off the bed, stoic expression remained—until he stood behind me and lifted the shirt I was wearing from behind and attached his mouth near my shoulder blade. He began sucking on my skin violently while licking and kissing it.
    My legs started to wobble as I tried my best not to let out a moan. My body was trembling as Leo hugged me from behind, preventing me from escaping. I whimpered softly as he continued to lick the spot while my legs grew weaker.
    When he finally stopped, my legs finally gave up on me as he unwrapped his arms around me. I fell to the ground, still whimpering softly. He bent down and let his hand slide across the area of the skin that he tortured, making me spasm. He then let out a chuckle as he pulled me up forcefully, pushing me onto the bed quite roughly before cuffing my ankles to the bed.
    "I'm going out," he said, somewhat amused. "I'll be back in a couple of hours or sooner. Hope you like the hickey I gave you."
    Before he left, he gave me a wink, closing the door shut as I laid on the bed weakly. I couldn't even react to what he said as I just whimpered and hugged myself.

After waking up from a short nap, I looked at the clock. An hour and a half had already passed. I rubbed my eyes and sat up on the bed as I looked at the door. I then remembered that Leo gave me a hickey. I started whining and groaning. But before I could even let out the growl that I've held back, I heard the front door of the house creaking open loudly. I then heard footsteps.
    He's back already . . . ? I thought as I groaned.
    I prepared myself for his stupid arrogant face once the door of the room opened. But instead of seeing his usual smirking face, there stood Laura, hair messier than usual. Her eyes widened as she saw me. She made her way to the bed quickly.
    "J-Jone! What are you doing here? Nate was looking for you—" Her eyes wandered off to my ankles and saw that it was chained to the bed. "N-no . . . Please don't tell me . . ."
    I didn't even say anything as I just nodded. She looked as if she was about to cry. But she shook her head and looked at me, trying her best to maintain a serious expression. "I'll get you out of here! I promise!"
    I smiled at her sadly. "Thanks, Laura . . . But Leo always has the key that unlocks the cuffs. And he's out right now . . . What are you doing here?"
    Laura shook her head. "No! I'll get you outta here somehow!" Laura's expression quickly changed to somewhat of a sad expression. "Actually . . . I came here to get some of the memorable stuff here in this house that we used to stay in . . . Leo claimed it to be his own temporary house after leaving this place with our butler." She looked at the family photo that sat on the table and walked towards it, grabbing it. She showed it to me with a sad smile. "This used to be us . . . One big happy family," she mumbled as she put the photo into the sling bag she was carrying.
    "Never mind that now! I'm going to bust you outta here—" Laura immediately stopped after hearing the front door click open. Her eyes immediately widened as she began to tremble in fear.
    I quickly turned my head to the closet and pointed at it as footsteps got louder.
    "Hide!" I whispered harshly with pleading eyes.
    All I could do was hope that Leo wouldn't be able to find Laura . . .

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