Chapter 15| Goodbyes and New Adventures

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"Your really leaving, are you ?" my voice cracked. he slowly nodded and instantly, I bit my lower lip.

Why ? Why does it have to be ? Why can't it be someone else ? I looked at him straight on the eyes and I forced a smile. He was still a child after all, and in a way, I was too. I have to understand, I was, as much as I hate to admit it, the older one in this conversation.

"Alright, when are you going to leave ?" I almost whispered. He bit his lip and shuffled uncomfortably.


Time quickly passed as he explained the actual reason why his leaving.  He heard news his older brother (who in the world could that be, I wonder ?) was still alive and he wanted to find out if it was true. Where did he get that information was a mystery but I did not question him. Instead, I put my selfish demands aside and understood his intentions. Or at least, pretended to.

"Could you at least take something that reminds you of-" I thought for a moment, "this mansion ?" I added monotonously. He noticed my sudden change of tone and thought wiser not to decline. I pulled out my extra bezoar. It had just been one month but I felt like I knew North my entire life. He was the closest I could have as a sibling, minus Catherine.

"Here, take it" I gave it to him. Back when I was in the process of saving him and his friends from the fire accident, I would have most likely died if I didn't ate the thing I have now on my hand. He reluctantly took it and he smiled at me. My eyes widen like saucers. It was just like the day I met him, smiling a toothy smile and greeting me with high respect.

But this time, I didn't hesitate to smile back.

He bowed curtly, as if pretending he wasn't leaving. I dismissed him with a shaky hand and with that, he left my room. time passed quickly as I found myself walking with my mother and bidding goodbye to the leaving North.

What now ?

I've gotten used to the way things were becoming fast paced that when the events happening slowed down, I feel like the excitement in my life was drifting away in the carriage North just entered.

Was it weird that the moment that North entered my life, things started to get haywire ? As in, how coincidental can that be ? This realization hit me hard. Why was I relying on a boy I just met one month ago to give me an adventure ? This is my life, this is my second chance in everything I wasn't able to achieve back then.

With this newfound resolve to find more adventures, I entered the Northwest library with happy thoughts, the book laying on the chair I often sit on flipped aimlessly by the wind entering.

I took the book from the chair and what was once the book's temporary residence was now a comfy place for me to sit on. I turned the page to the next one, only to see a hazy picture.

Strange. What could the picture hold, I wonder ? I could only make out three figures, most likely two girls and one boy, all sitting together. But they all wore smiles, looking happy. It didn't take me to be a talented genius to suddenly notice the similar features three figures had that resembled me and my half-sister, Catherine.

No, it can't possibly be...

Mother, step-mother and father ?!


Hola, Amigo ! It is I, the author who suddenly disappeared ! I was so busy with my projects that I forgot to upload anything ! But do not fret, because I will be uploading not just one, not just two but three chapters today, so keep a look out for any updates from me !

I'll update soon !

PS. God, I just began reading the manga Yona Of The Dawn or Akatsuki no Yona yesterday and I'm already chapter 79 ! God, its such an amazing story, Soo-Won and Hak, why must you be perfect in every way ? Anyone who've read this are welcome to talk to me about it !

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