Chapter 21| A Bit Of A Walk-In, Really

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As of now, I am sitting on a chair inside one of my teacher's favorite tea rooms with North at the other chair right across mine. Maybe my teacher was trying to ignore it or maybe she's just too blind to see it but it was completely obvious for me and North that we were both sharing an awkward silence.

"So, um, haw you ?" I facepalmed myself. Of course my accents shifted at the wrong moment. I sounded like a complete idiot. I bit my lip. I looked at him and for a moment, I thought he was blushing.

"I-I'm" he continued to stammer until he was able to finally catch some courage to continue his sentence, "I-I'm fine" he almost sounded relieved. Then, silence followed.

I looked at the newspaper. Me and Teacher stood there side by side with a trophies on our hands and headline stating;


I smiled. Without meaning to, my teacher loosen her grasp and the tea pot fell to the floor, splattering the content with it.

"Hot !" I flustered out as my skirt began soaking the tea.

"Oh ! I'm so sorry !" My teacher apologized. North's eyes widen at me before laughing loudly with tea almost spraying out of his nose. I glared at him and he forced himself to close his mouth.

"Sorry" he said with chuckles cutting off the word itself. With a pout, I left the tea room to change my clothes.

As I passed the corridors, muffled voices of maids and servants rang across the hallway. I walked as normally as I can, keeping my suspicion of them talking about me at bay.

Just when I reached the door, the maids and servants' whispers became louder. Ignoring it, I opened the door. I then realized that it was not my room the moment I saw Godric buttoning his shirt.

His eyes widen and I diverted my eyes immediately. With a rushed sorry, I closed the door with an embarrassed face. So that was why the maids were whispering. Well, whispering louder than normal. They knew I was going in the wrong room. I looked at the side, finally seeing my room.

I covered my face to hide my blush and I felt the door behind me open.

"Rein ?" He said as his eyes looked at me.

"H-hey, Godric" I gave him a little wave. He looked surprised. He probably is since I suddenly appeared in front of him while he was changing his clothes.

"Um, I'm going to go now" I rushed to my room in a flushed state. This was not my idea of reuniting old friends after five years. I quickly changed my clothes with a more comfortable outfit.

After a few minutes of moping around in my room, I heard a soft knock. With my approval, my teacher appeared in front of me via teleportation magic.

She explained to me that because of various amounts of different magic found almost everywhere in the palace, she can freely use it anytime she wishes. That's why every time we visit a country with little to no magic, her body changes back to its original age.

"Dear, why haven't you come back to the tea room yet ?" She asked worriedly. I shook my head, wondering why I just chose to stay in my room for he past couple of minutes.

"Wait, is it because of me ? Are you embarrassed of me ?" She said with a bit of pain in her voice.

What ? Why would she even think that ?

"No no" I reassured her.

"It's just" just the thought made me blush, "it's just that, I kinda walked in on.."

It took all my pride and embarrassment over this mishap to finally say it.


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