Chapter 34| The Conclusion Of This Year's Entrance Exams

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"Winner !" One of the referees announced.

"Winner !" Another one stated.

"Winner !" Two more spoke.

Four of eight contestants triumphed to gain their spot on the top five. The winning contestants and the new freshmen for this year are Zion Hungary, Harriet Quiran, Richard Barrington and recently, Simon Kiefer. The moment I saw Simon fight, I knew he would win. True to the otome game's information, he excelled in mana control and along with his affinity to the Earth, he easily won by cornering his opponent with walls of Earth.

Finally, it was my turn. The final round consists of me against Titus Aegis. Unlike other males who fought against me though, he was staring at me with awed eyes. Right before with were to fight each other, he bowed.

"A pleasure" he said while grinning.

"I hope we won't hold any grudges against each other after this match" I told him cheekily.

"Likewise, Lady Rein" he replied, "in fact, I hope I could gain your alliance with me, it would be a great honor if your willing to accept" he suggested.

I smiled. Another bold person has appeared before me.

"Another time, Aegis" I told him to which he answered by laughing boisterously.

We started and I was the first to make a move. Forming my infamous twin water blades, I attacked and parried his advances. I jumped, gracefully twirling before landing on his head. His eyes widened and he fell against my weight. I won't lie, my weight was of a normal lady, it was just that I multiplied the heaviness with my gravitational magic.

Yes, gravitational magic. I'm probably shocking you at this point. First sense enhancement magic and now, gravitational magic ? What next ? He surrendered and I released my gravitational hold, to which he sighed in relief.

"W-winner !" My mother cheered along with North and Luisa. I laughed, joy overflowing me. I won ! I actually won ! Unfortunately, my happiness was only temporary.

"You are to read your books until you've learned all of the lessons by heart" Luisa stated strictly. I groaned, staring at my early purchased books.

"May I ask you again why I have to do this ?" I asked for a millionth time. Her expression turned into annoyance before answering.

"Do you realize you have a title on your name, more so, the Queen Dowager's only student ? If you were like any other noble child, you wouldn't have to worry about reputation" she started explaining, "but unfortunately for you, that's not the case, your adventures and your prodigious history gave you an early reputation to uphold"

I sighed miserably on my seat, my face solemn. Truth to be told, I've already read the books Luisa wanted me to read. It was just that her overjoyed eyes when she heard that she would be tutoring me was too painful to shatter that I didn't say anything instead.

Blame me for being too soft-hearted.

I started opening the first book, A Beginner's Guide to Magical Entities, Chapter 39, the second last chapter of the book. Luisa rose a brow but didn't say anything. She's probably thinking, it's her choice, let's just see how well she does in our quiz later.

Sorry in advance, Luisa.

I closed the book as she gave me a paper consisting four pages. My maid smiled before giving me a test. My eyes widen at how thick my first quiz was. I looked at Luisa, who was smiling sweetly.

That smile reminds me of something. Ah yes, my utter doom. I was half finished when two unexpected visitors arrived.

"Rein !" Aunt Samantha's high pitched voice rung through the mansion as Godric sighed in pure embarrassment.

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