Chapter 32| This Is What Happens Next

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Even with the distance between us, my mother still radiated anger, a fear-striking aura and enough mana to kill anyone. I shivered as I turned to study Simon. Simon Kiefer. He was supposed to be one of the capture targets. One of the four potential love interests of Catherine. So why is he here now, announcing an engagement I've never heard of before ?

I then realized something. I met a boy before. Yes, I-I remember now. At first, I associated that memory of mine to Lucas because of their almost identical features but if I study that memory further, I would have noticed the difference. Don't tell me that boy was-, I cut my train of thought when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

It was the boy himself. Standing before me and towering me by two feet was Simon Kiefer, a soft smile playing on his face. I felt my mother's mana magnify tenfold but Simon took no mind. His eyes looked very sincere, even before he said anything.

"Um, this is awkward" he rubbed his nape. Obviously, I almost rolled my eyes before remembering that I'm still in front of countless nobles who wouldn't even dare to roll their eyes in fear of looking ungraceful. Still though, he continued to sincerely smile.

"I just want to say I'm sorry" he apologized as he bowed his head. After a few minutes, he looked up to me, "I shouldn't have kissed you without your permission, fiancée or not" he shook his head, a look of disappointment poured on his face.

I took a step back, momentarily surprised. His actually apologizing ? Despite my few attempts to stop myself, I found myself reshuffling my opinion on Simon.

"It was just that when I entered this stadium, I wasn't expecting you to have already attracted at least three males, including my brother, so I felt a little possessive and did something irrational" he started shifting his fingers around, looking a bit nervous.

Three males ? I understand the mention of Lucas but three ? Was I that oblivious ? I facepalmed myself, having that sudden inkling that I was slowly becoming those protagonist stereotypes. No ! Anything but that ! I stared at Simon, who was continuously apologizing until finally, I stopped him from embarrassing himself more.

"Simon, please stop, your embarrassing yourself" I told him, trying to be polite. It was a wonder how he still didn't get the crowd's attention when he was so exaggerated in apologizing. He stopped apologizing and looked at me with puppy dog eyes. I tried to stop myself, I really did. But with those puppy eyes of his, nothing could be stopped. Just as I was about to touch his shoulder to pat him assuringly, two arms wrapped themselves onto my waists, surprising me.

I yelped, two arms snaked onto my waists. I turned to see who it was when I was greeted by a familiar face. Holding me tightly was none other than Lucas himself, his face distorted with what looked like jealousy. His eyes met mine and his expression softened to become a beautiful smile. I felt my cheeks flush. I didn't understand that even after five years, he could still make me blush.

The crowd made a few comments that just seemed to sound like those kinds of comments you make whenever you ship anyone. And yes, of course I know ships. As a reincarnated fangirl slash otaku, did you expect anything but less from me ? Back to the topic at hand, Simon and Lucas stared at each other, annoyance evident on their faces.

"Dear brother, please don't touch Rein" Simon ordered his brother, wagging his finger, "remember, she isn't your fiancée anymore"

Lucas stood there, unnerved. He cleared his throat before speaking.

"Who said anything about ownership and the like ? Yes, arranged marriages are inevitable but she isn't an object, she isn't a prize for a man to win, she's perfectly in a good position to oust the both of us from her suitors and she isn't a woman who would suddenly become a damsel in distress just because of a man" to be honest, I felt touched at that point.

"In my opinion, Rein Aurelia is a very capable person whose expertise was sharpened by the famed Queen Dowager herself, she also has a say in this and she could have pushed me away when I hugged her" he finished his final blow. Simon staggered, not comprehending his defeat. This apology escalated so quickly into a debate, I didn't know when it ended.

"Anyways" Lucas said suddenly, "as I was saying, all ten competitors shall enter a circle of mana, their selected weapon at hand and the main objective is to push the competitors out of the circle, anyone who tries to intentionally hurt somebody is forced to forfeit" he explained to the crowd, still not taking his arms off my waist. He continued to the point that I got used to his touch and was quite disappointed when he released me.

What am I saying ? Am I actually falling for this boy ? Of course not, I couldn't be. It must be just a crush. Yes, a small attraction. Yes, that's it. It must be because of that debate. I'm sure it'll subside quickly.

"Competitors ! Ten minute break before this last round, last five people in the circle wins the top five spots" his voice vibrated, "Break starts now !"

The top ten shuffled into their assigned rooms, including me. When I got there, I was already greeted by my mother's raging expression.

"What were you thinking ?! Letting that boy kiss you ? If I had my way, I would have already broke his neck, his legs and two of his arms !" She shouted. I winced. This is going to be a long ten minute break.

"And Lucas ! You let him hug you ! In front of a crowd, and his hug wasn't that of a friend, either ! What are you doing, Rein ?! What are you trying to accomplish ?!" She shouted at me. After a few deep breaths, she sucked her breath and sighed.

"Did you know anything about this engagement ?" I shook my head, answering my mother's question. She sighed again before hearing the sound of knocking.

"Enter" I commanded and so Lucas did. Along with North and Luisa, of course.

"I'll explain" he told us and began telling us what was happening behind the curtains of the Aeneas House. He began telling us about his brother's apparent love for me, their fight, his disownment and the events that made him reached the position he is in today. Most of all, I was shocked. While I was traveling, this is what happened in my absence ? I shook my head.

This is going to be the longest ten minute break I'll ever take.


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