Chapter 1 : That wasn't a goodbye kiss

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Chapter 1 : That wasn't a goodbye kiss

Tugging on the zip once more the suitcase finally sealed itself not to be opened again until arriving at its destination... unless they suspected that I had drugs at the border... which I didn't. I hoped. I was pulled from my thoughts by a hand waving in front of my face and as my eyes came back to my surroundings they focused on a head of blonde hair.

I found Cameron's brown eyes looking into my own and a wave of sadness washed over me again - this was it. As the tears prickled at the edge of my eyes, Cameron broke the silence.

"Hey, sshh, it's okay babe, we'll visit each other. We can make it work," he said softly, cupping my cheek and wiping my tears away with the pads of his thumbs.

I closed my eyes and savoured the moment while it lasted, leaning into his touch.

"Give me a smile, Brooke," my eyes fluttered open at his smooth voice, offering him a weak smile as his lips pressed to mine. I kissed him back showing just how much I loved him and how much I was going to miss him.

A door was closed roughly behind us causing us to pull apart. I turned to see my best friend Freya walk into the room. Her long black hair was hanging down to her lower back and her dark chocolate brown eyes were glazed over with tears, I hated myself knowing I caused them to appear.

"Cut the PDA, guys," she joked weakly.

I rolled my eyes at her, typical Freya trying to make light of a situation. I pulled out of Cameron's arms and walked over to her, wrapping my arms tightly around her waist. She responded immediately, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"I'm going to miss you so much," I mumbled into her neck. Her arms tightened around me as she mumbled a reply into my neck.

A knock on the door interrupted us and just as I was about to say come in the door flew open. My brother, Ben, was standing there in only a pair of track suit bottoms, his blonde hair was standing all over the place - anyone could tell he'd just got out of bed.

"Nobody told me our flight was at 3, come help me zip my suitcase up," he rushed out.

I laughed at his worried expression before replying, "One, you've known the flight time for weeks and two, what's it worth?"

"My love," he replied.

"I thought I already had that."

"I wouldn't be so sure."

My eyes widened and I tried to blank my face.
"Fine, I won't help you," I said turning my back to him.

"Please? That was only a joke, please, mum will kill me if I'm not ready in a minute."

I gave into him and mumbled a fine before following him out of my bedroom.

His room looked nothing like it had a week ago. His floor was clear and everything was boxed up, just like my room and the whole house. My eyes settled onto his suitcase lying on his bed. I walked over to it, helping him to zip it up. Just as I was about to leave, a shrill voice made me stop in my tracks.

"Benjamin, you better be all ready or else you'll be unpacking everything when we get there."

Ben groaned behind me and I hid my smile as my mum stepped through his bedroom door.

"You're not dressed," she scolded him, "put some clothes on," she turned to me and said the words I was dreading, "say your goodbyes, Brooke, we'll be leaving soon," her eyes shining with sympathy.

I forced myself to swallow my tears, sending my mum a nod, I walked out the room.

Each step closer to my bedroom door got heavier and heavier. I had to say goodbye to my long term boyfriend and childhood best friend, both of whom I loved very much. My dad had been offered a job in Sunnyvale, California and we were moving over there, I was moving 3553 miles away from them, I wouldn't get to see them everyday. They wouldn't be able to hold me when I was down or make me laugh. I had to make a whole new life.

A whole new American life.

I hadn't realised, through my thinking, that I'd reached my bedroom door. I took a big breath and pushed down the door handle, walking in.

Freya and Cameron were sitting on my bed having a silent conversation with their eyes. I cleared my throat and their heads snapped to me, looking guilty like they had just been caught doing something sinful.

I looked down letting my hair fall in front of my face,
"It's time," I spoke trying not to cry - I had to be strong.

I heard shuffling and then a hand gently cupping my chin, lifting my head up. Cameron's warm brown eyes found mine as he silently told me we would work it out - like he'd been doing since I found out I was leaving.

He inched his face closer to mine and as our noses touched my eyes fluttered closed. His other hand wound around my waist, touching the small of my back tentatively, pushing me closer to him. His breath fanned my lips as he moved closer and closer.

When his lips touched mine it felt like it did every other time, butterflies formed in my tummy as his lips moved in sync with mine. The kiss started to get heated as the hand on my chin moved to the back of my neck, tangling in my hair. I lifted my arms up around his neck and ruffled up his hair.

We pulled away when we were out of breath. Panting heavily he rested his forehead against mine.
"That wasn't a goodbye kiss, that was a see you later kiss."
He pecked my lips once and then pulled out of my arms walking over to my suitcase. Only then did I realise that Freya was no longer in the room.

"Where's Freya?" I asked Cameron.

He replied instantly whilst picking up my suitcase and heading towards the door.
"She's downstairs."

I nodded at his answer and followed him out of my door and down the stairs. Freya was waiting at the bottom of the stairs and I gave her a big hug when I reached her whilst Cameron went to put my suitcase in the back of the car.

"Please don't forget me," I whispered inaudibly into her hair. It obviously wasn't as inaudible as I thought because she pulled away and held me at arms length.

She looked sternly into my eyes before saying,
"I will never forget you."

At that moment Cameron walked back in and we had a group hug until all the removal men had moved the boxes and my dad was standing at the door, smiling at me sympathetically. No words were spoken.

No words needed to be spoken.

I silently said goodbye to the house before turning and walking out the door, hot on my friend's heels.

I hugged both Freya and Cameron once more before Cameron opened the car door for me and I slid into the seat beside my other brother, Bailey.

Cameron shut the door behind me and I wound down the window to say goodbye.

"We'll talk to you tonight," Freya promised as my dad got into the drivers seat.

"Bye," I said weakly as the tears started to fall and the car started moving. I waved to them until I could no longer see them, then I wound up my window, leaning my head against it and plugging my iPod in.

Saying goodbye to Manchester and hello to California.


Authors note -
My first story on Wattpad, please support it.



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