Chapter 4 : I have a name for a reason

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Chapter 4 : I have a name for a reason

I took a deep breath before entering the classroom.  All of my morning classes I’d had with Sophie or Reuben or both and now I had to enter this classroom with no one by my side.

“Are you just going to stand there staring at the door all day or are you actually going to open it?” A voice spoke behind me; I turned to see Hayden standing there with Elliott next to him.  Elliott had black hair and brown eyes. 

All my life I wondered where all the best looking boys were, turned out I just had to come to California.

“I was about to go in before you rudely interrupted.”

“Go ahead then,” said Elliott, smirking.

I turned back to the door, taking a deep breath before pushing it open.  The class went silent and the teacher looked up, staring along with the whole class, I wasn’t late everyone else seemed to have turned up early.

“No need to stare, she’s only British not an alien.” Hayden spoke to the class.  I was suddenly grateful for his presence and turned to give him a small smile, he replied with a small nod before he and Elliott walked off to a table at the back. The teacher cleared her throat and I looked up at her.

“Hello Brooke, welcome to your English class, I’m Ms. Taylor, you can have the seat in front of Mr Jackson,” she said gesturing to the seat in front of Hayden with an empty seat next to it, “I see Toby isn’t here yet,” she sighed.

“He’s in the janitor’s closet, Miss,” Hayden shouted from the back.  The whole class burst out laughing, Ms. Taylor just rolled her eyes, I’d only known her a few minutes and I already liked her.

“Toby will be your work partner when he shows up, somebody needs to keep those boys under control,” she said nodding her head towards the back of the class, “good luck.”

I headed towards the seat and sat down on the seat, paying attention to the teacher talking until the poking started in my back.  I turned with a scowl plastered on my face.

“What do you want?” I hissed at Hayden.

“Could I have a pen, please?” He asked politely.

“Here,” I said passing him a pen and turning back to the lesson.  Five minutes later the door swung open and the boy I remembered as Toby stood there, his dirty blonde hair messy and blue shirt crinkled, I wouldn’t be surprised if he actually was in the janitor’s closet. 

“Where have you been, Toby?” Ms. Taylor questioned him.

“I had a clingy girlfriend to deal with, it’s all sorted now.” He stated easily, like it was nothing, walking to his seat.

He smiled at me sitting down before slapping Elliott a high 5, presumably for dealing with his ‘clingy girlfriend’.

All for a reasonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora