Chapter 10 : Ninja is my middle name

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Chapter 10 : Ninja is my middle name

"Pancakes?" a male voice came from behind Hayden just as his lips brushed mine. He pulled back instantly, a look of anger and embarrassment on his face, turning to the waiter, with a name badge that said Gordon on, holding his ginormous stack of pancakes.

"Uh, yes, right here," he said, gesturing to the table in front of him, showing no intention of moving back to his old seat. The waiter placed the pancakes down in front of him and placed his coffee and my milkshake down on the table as well. How he managed to carry them all over here, I didn't know. Gordon wandered back through the diner, leaving us alone.

"Gordon must have been an octopus," I voiced my thoughts, finally coming to the conclusion that it wasn't human to be able to carry things like that.

"Gordon has really bad timing," Hayden said, annoyance written clearly across his face as he stabbed his fork into his pancakes. I instantly blushed, still feeling the ghost of his lips on mine.

"So, tell me about yourself," Hayden said, munching on his food as I sipped the chocolate milkshake I had ordered.

I shrugged, "There's not much to tell."

"Come on, a girl like you with nothing to tell, nonsense, date of birth, friends, boyfriend's, hobbies," he listed, looking at me intently.

"I was born on the 16th of February, I'm 17 years old, I like music, one friend, her name's Freya and only ever had and got one boyfriend, Cameron," I said.

He nodded his head, acting interested in my life over the pond.

"Toby mentioned you had a friend called Taylor, what about her?" he asked, shocking me.

The memories flooded my brain, awakening the grief that had lived inside of me months after it happened. The loss of a best friend. It was still too painful to talk about and I hadn't talked about it. Never. The tears prickled my eyes and I blinked them back to see Hayden looking at me intently.

"Um... we don't talk anymore," I answered truthfully. Hayden looked unconvinced for a minute before turning back to his pancakes and eating them. I stuck my tongue out in disgust, scrunching my nose up. Hayden noticed and smirked.

"What is it?" he asked.

"How can you eat that?" I questioned.

"Because, I'm hungry," he answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Bacon and pancakes are not supposed to be together," I replied.

"How can you say that?" he exclaimed mouth wide, "you have to try some," he said, getting a large forkful of the pancakes, bacon and maple syrup, turning towards me.

"No, thank you," I said as he started to push the fork in my direction.

"Open wide," he cooed, as I clamped my mouth shut. He pushed the fork into my face but before he had the chance to get it in my mouth the pancakes jumped of the fork the bacon following its lead, landing with a splat on the leg of my jeans.

I looked up at Hayden mouth wide as he sat there trying to contain his laughter whilst failing, miserably.

"You just killed that bit of pancake and that small piece of pig has been killed twice thanks to you," I mocked. This caused Hayden's booming laughter to reverberate around the diner, his head on the table as tears rolled out of his eyes. His addictive laugh got me smiling and soon I was laughing along with him too. An old couple at a nearby table shot us a dirty look as we started to calm down.

"Most girls would have been annoyed about their jeans but you care more about the death of something that wasn't even living in the first place," he panted through his laughter.

"I told you, I'm not most girls, but I don't know what I'm going to do about my jeans, I can't go back home, my mum's there I'd have to be ninja to get another pair without her noticing ," I said.

"Well, lucky for you ninja is my middle name," he smirked.

"Really?" I asked in disbelief, smiling easily.

"Yes, what are we waiting for, let's go," he said, jumping up and going up to the counter to pay.

He pulled me out of the door of the diner and to his motorcycle, passing me a helmet. I jumped onto the motorcycle behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist, feeling the muscles tense beneath my hands.

"You didn't have to pay for me," I said into his back. He turned his head slightly to look at me.

"I wanted to," he replied, before revving the engine and flying off down the road.

Hayden slowed down when we reached the end of my road and slowly drove down, parking his motorcycle around the corner from my house so my mum wouldn't see it. I unwound my hands from around Hayden and he twisted around so he was facing me, our knees touching. Hayden put his hands on my knees, looking me directly in the eyes.

"Ok, we're going to sneak around the back and then we'll climb up into the second floor, then we sneak, you change your jeans then we get out of there, fast," he said.

"Ok," I replied. We slipped off the bike and Hayden grabbed my hand, interlocking our fingers. Confused, I looked at him. He looked down at me.

"If we get caught, we're dating now and you had to get me away from school because otherwise I was going to beat someone up," he said.

"You'd do that for me?" I asked.

"That's all anyone ever thinks," he shrugged.

"I haven't known you for very long but I don't think that of you," I said, squeezing his hand in reassurance, "in fact, from what I've seen, you are a very kind hearted person."

"Name one thing," he said, glumly.

"You, love Robyn unconditionally and you'd do anything to see her smile, she's not even your sister."

Hayden squeezed my hand back and smiled down at me, I smiled back up at him.

"Thank you for that."

"No problem."

We reached my house and he pulled me against the wall of the house. Pressing our backs into the wall and ducking down under the windows and making our way around the back of the house and under the second floor window. Hayden gently let go of my hand and ducked down, grabbing my waist and lifting me easily onto his shoulders.

"On the count of three, stand up on my shoulders, open the window and jump in, I'll wait here for you," Hayden told me.

"Okay," I confirmed.

"One, two, three," Hayden counted. I steadily drew my legs up and I stood up on his shoulders. Hayden gripped my ankles to keep me steady and moved closer to the window. I pushed the window open and climbed through. I could hear my mum whistling downstairs as I tiptoed to my bedroom door, pushing it open. I quickly changed my jeans and then crept out of the bedroom, stopping as soon as I saw my mum walking into her bedroom, right next to the window I needed to get to.

As soon as I saw her disappear into her room, I quickly ran across the hall to the window. I dangled my legs out and Hayden looked up at me.

"Jump," he said.

I looked down, it was a long way.

"I'll catch you, I promise," he said.

Without a seconds thought I flung myself from the window, closing my eyes. The collision I was expecting never happened and I opened my eyes to see Hayden's, a distinct sense of déjà vu occurring.

Hayden noticed this too.

"You can't help but fall into my arms, can you?" he asked.

I hit his arm and he placed me gently down on my feet.

"I told you ninja was my middle name."

Laughing, we made it back to his motorcycle, feeling like ninja's.

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