Chapter 16 : Don't give the cake an STD

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Chapter 16 : Don't give the cake an STD

There are times in life when you have to take the front seat, lead the way and gain attention, like my first day at Fremont High School. However, there are other times in life when you have to take the backseat, let other people take the limelight. I was very good at this, not wanting to be the centre of attention all the time but Hayden was a different matter, he struck me as the type of person who wanted to be in the spotlight all the time. This worried me on our way to Toby's party fashionably late, eyes are always on you when your late except eyes needed to be on Toby today.

The party was for him after all.

We drove to the party, after a quick stop at my house to change, our friendly chatter filling the car. I didn't once voice my thoughts, just the ones that supplemented our conversation of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Don't ask.

However when we pulled up at the already, raging party I knew I had judged Hayden too quickly. At school he seemed like an egotistical, loud-mouthed idiot so you can imagine my surprise when he turned that side of him off.

"We should take the back entrance and sneak the cake in," Hayden told me.

"Like the ninja's we are," I said, remembering the first time I'd skipped school with Hayden. Hayden simply chuckled in reply leading the way with the cake in his arms.

We reached the back door and Hayden pushed it open with his hip, letting the door swing open and lead into the kitchen.

Which was filled to the brim.

With people.

Doing God knows what.

People near the door were the only people that seemed to notice the door swing open, giving an appreciative nod to Hayden next to me. We pushed through the bodies of people dancing and drinking to make our way to the living room, the heart of the party. As we approached, the thumping music became louder and louder, blasting my ears. Upon entering the living room, I spotted a worried looking Aaron standing next to an empty table near the DJ's stand. He was biting his lip and wringing his hands out nervously, desperately scanning the room for someone or in this case something. Hayden seemed to have spotted him too, pushing through the crowds to Aaron, putting the cake down and clapping him on the back.

"No need to look so worried mate, I'm still alive," Hayden joked.

"Jerk," Aaron laughed, giving Hayden a shove on the shoulder. Aaron lifted up the lid of the box, peering inside, suddenly serious.

"Wow," he breathed out and I couldn't help but a laugh a little at his awestruck expression but my laughing was soon cut off as a lazy arm slung itself around my waist, pulling me into a warm body. I knew whose arm it was from my reaction. The swooping of a swarm of butterflies in my stomach and the goosebumps that erupted over my bare skin, not to mention the blood that went rushing to my cheeks, coating them in an embarrassingly redder than red colour.


I turned to look at him, just to find him looking right back at me. His blue eyes seeming bottomless as they tried to convey a message I couldn't translate.

A message he didn't want me to translate.

He sent a real smile to me, not a smirk or a cheeky grin, and I couldn't help but smile back, probably looking like the Cheshire Cat in the process.

I looked away first, scared that he could see my true feelings for him, looking back to Aaron to find him making out with a girl from school.

I sighed, these boys are relentless.

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