Office fights

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Two damn whole weeks dealing with his arrogant fiance and her temper had sky rocketed.
My work had suddenly meant I spent a lot of time at the office and that witch had made the whole two weeks dreadful .I guess it was because Alexis had been spending a lot of his time with his son and not her .

And now I was drenched in grape juice while she was smirking. I let it go since her beloved 'Alexis was there with her.

Two more days and I will be done with my work and that annoying bitch.I took off my now purple stained white coat and got back to work ,more like tried to .

"You're still hanging around him."Bridget barged in .

"Two more days."Addy silently prayed.

"I'm talking to you bitch!"She threw all my papers off my desk.And like a polite civil classy woman I am ,I ignored her.

"Can you leave me and my husband alone!that bastard child of yours is annoying just like its mother."

As a mother I did not ...I repeat do not let anyone call my child a bastard as he has a father.So I did what any mother would do and I slapped her hard.

"You! could you!?..."

And no I did not stop there I beat the flipping daisies out of her and while we were at it my annoying ex-husband came and practically tore us apart .

She looked like a raccoon had messed her up and I was proud of my handy work.A blue eye and a torn lip ,Good work Addy.

"What the hell are you two doing ?"He more like growled at us.

"I was beating her up and I'm sure that was pretty obvious."I grinned at him as I pointed to Bridget who was now whimpering next to him.

"That vile woman beat me up for messing her coat which I had apologized for."She sobbed loudly as Alexis cooed her with comforting words .

"How could you do that Addy?"This man must be stupid to think that I would do that just because of a coat.

"Well it was easy considering the bitch has been annoying the hell out of me."I fixed my clothes just to annoy both of them.

"I want you to leave the company Addy ."He strode towards me and out of anger I slapped him too.

"Who the hell do you think you are?Don't ever touch me again you filthy man."OK maybe I went a little overboard but I was furious.

"Filthy?What is wrong with you?"He looked hurt by my words but at that moment I didn't even care.

"A filthy man who fathered a bastard with a whore,that's what you said Bridget so I was merely saying a fact."I furiously glared at her and watched as she nervously looked anywhere but at Alexis.

"You called my own flesh and blood a bastard ?How could you ?You know what just leave ."

"But Alex ..."She pleaded .

"It's Mr Mathews to you now Miss Johnson."I almost laughed when he said that.I guess the man is not as bad as I thought.

"Will you two excuse me ,I have my work to get back to ."I picked some of the files Bridget had tossed around the  office.I heard the door close and sat down trying to calm myself.

"You're angry?"that startled me.What is he still doing here?

"I'm furious .I thought I told you to keep that woman away from my son and she better stay away from me or I will kill her."I got up and sat on my chair.

"I'm sorry about everything."He left as soon as he said that.

Today was a fun day.I got to finally teach that woman a lesson.

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