He is officially on my hit list

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As Addy finished reading the news that day she felt pity for Alexis and his family to have all their drama known by society was just too much .

So this is what that crazy Bridget had on Alexis and for a minute she was angry at him for letting her break his family like that.It would just be better if that woman died or just migrated to those cold countries maybe she'd freeze to death.

Addy sat staring at her car keys as if they were some magic wand that would help Alexis and his family in a way .She grabbed her keys and headed to his home knowing that at least they all needed some sort of emotional comfort .

She felt dread at the sight of reporters camped out the Mathews house.Her baby was in there and can't people just let family issues be just that.

As soon as she was let in by the guards at the gate she drove over to the huge mansion that she still couldn't believe how beautiful the landscape was but today was a bad day.

She leapt out of her car and almost jogged all the way up the many steps but decided against it seeing how sweaty she got."That's what you get for being a lazy ass" She took in a deep breath as she knocked on the huge door.

As soon as the door opened Henry the Butler almost seemed relieved to see her and he ushered her to where the family was gathered with Alexis's mother sobbing on her son's shoulder.

Mr Mathews was no where to be seen since all the mess had been about his infidelities and guessing by the bloody shirt Alexis had on shit might have hit the roof.

"My son?Alexis!"I looked around and everyone was here except for Thomas and he wasn't one to nap this early in the morning.

"Is that all you care about Addy?My family is in distraught and all you want is Thomas?"What the what!He did not just say that -not to me

"Listen here you foolish-idiotic jerk !This right here is all your fault and that wench that you got out of jail and don't you dare give me that bullshit!" I herd gasps around the room ,well I guess their son failed to mention that it was all Bridget.

"Your mistress knew about a family matter like this Alexis and you failed to let us know!"His mother went all crazy-ape on him and I thought he might cry at the guilt look that was so evident on his face.

Maybe I should help him a little... well he is a stupid goat but I like him -only about 2% anyway.

"Mrs Mathews the truth was bound to be known anyway but what those people out there need to see is a strong family that is united not one that fights."At the corner of my eye I saw Mr Mathews arrive with my little bambino who cackled as soon as his eyes saw me.

"Mom ,Addy is right and I know you and dad will work through this ."Alexis hugged his mother and wiped the tears off her beautiful aging face.

"I want to apologise the family for this mess even though it happened years ago ."Mr Mathews handed Thomas over to me as he apologized.

"I want that woman put in jail Alexis and don't care how sorry you feel for her "His sister growled at him and for a second I had the urge to smirk .This would be easy to deal with that skunk, she dug her own grave.

"I already have men looking for her ."Alexis confirmed.Now he wants to get rid of her?Stupid idiot.

"Is it okay if I leave with Thomas?"I looked at Alexis who looked at me weirdly.

"I don't think its safe for you to be in that house alone and you know how crazy Bridget is .Just stay here until she is found Addy."

"But I ...."

"I wasn't asking you Addy!You will do as I say ."He growled at me and I knew in that moment that his family had slipped out of the room unnoticed.

"And who are you to me to do as you say ?"I followed him upstairs to his room after placing Thomas in his room which was just opposite Alexis.

"I'm your husband Addy and you will do as I say."he growled as he shut the door .

"Let me remind you that we're divorced Mathews so stop all this nonsense and let me go home."I got in his  personal space I was really pissed as soon as he mentioned the husband part.

"No."When he said that let's just say I may have slapped him hard .

"Stop hitting me Addy or you won't like what I would do to you."

"What are you gonna do ?"

Within an instant I was on his bed with him straddling me and his face all up my neck sniffing for whatever and my poor manicured hands held in tight lockdown grip  above my Head.This guy is next on my hit list for all this manhandling .

"This temper of yours Addy cannot be tolerated by me and you my little kitten better keep your claws in check.''

If I wasn't so turned on by this right now I would have slit his throat for calling me a cat .Well i haven't got any action and as any woman I also had needs so i let him continue trailing those kisses all over my exposed neck as he let go of my hands which were now tearing his shirt open ...I'm in a rush and he is available now I might as well use him too.
I just hope Thomas doesn't get a little sister from all this .

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