She hates me part 2

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There I was lying in a hospital and missing my little pumpkin while this vile ,idiotic and stupid man sleeping right next to me as if the world was all perfect.

I so wanted to wake him up just for the fun of it.Its his fault that maniac did this to me and i was not gonna let this go even if it means stabbing that bitch to death.

I wonder who he left my baby with?I do trust Alexis with his son but with a crazy girlfriend on the loose ,you just can never be safe.

As soon as i notice his slight movements that he is probably waking up ,i shut my eyes and pretended that i'm still sleeping .

I felt his gaze on me and then he lightly pressed a chaste kiss on my forehead and i just could not help the quickening of my pulse which annoyingly made that stupid machine they connected me to beep loudly.

"I know you're awake Addy ."I hear him chuckle as i nervously bite my lip and stubbornly refuse to open my eyes.

"I would appreciate it if you opened those big orbs of yours."For a moment I almost forgot I was supposed to be furious with him and not be all shy about him being this sweet to me.

"Where is my baby?"The change in my moods baffles him for a sec and his eyes finally meet mine and I see a lot of guilt mixed with surprise.

"With my sister and that guy you were with."I notice the slight frown as he mentions Adrian.

"So how are you going to deal with this ?because we both know its all your precious Bridget's doing." He looks at me and the guilt is still there but what surprises me is he is not defending her like I thought he would.

"I will deal with her my own way and I want you to leave her alone."He goes all serious on me as if I would leave the bitch alone .

"I won't hold back this time Alexis ,I let her have her way for way too long ."I'm so angry with him for still trying to protect her.

"And what if she hurts you again ?Who will take care of Thomas and I just.... I can't lose you again."he whispers the last part and looks else where but at me.

He is acting really weird for a guy who is always in control.
"I want her to experience the same pain I went through and I will make damn sure she does or else I will kill her with my own two hands ."

"Would you stop it!She is carrying my child and you won't lay a finger on her."He stands up and starts pacing around the room all angry.

"Watch me."I say glaring at him and i'm pretty sure I've stabbed  him a couple of times in my mind right at this moment.How dare he?

"Don't test me Addy!"He stops right near my bedside all domineering with his tall height and that angry scowl.

"And who said she is pregnant ?She is two months pregnant and her tummy is so flat that even a moron would know she is not."I so wanted to laugh know one of those evil laughs cause I've never met anyone as trusting as this man .

"What are you talking about?She is pregnant and i saw the scan."He stares at me as if I've grown a head or something.

"You must be completely stupid then."he is hopeless.

"I don't like the way you speak to me Addy and I demand respect.''He was really furious now.

"Respect?" I laugh humorlessly at that.he must be crazy.

"You don't talk to me about respect after you spent our wedding night with that bitch!" I let the tears fall as I continue
"You don't talk about respect after you slept with me and acted like a jerk by moaning that woman's name on our matrimonial bed ." OK maybe he was not supposed to know that but what the heck I was an angry ,hurt ex-wife and I could careless.

"Addy I...I thought... But I..."He was still looking at me with that guilt expression on his face that was just pissing me off.

"Just get the fuck out Alexis!"I've never been so angry with him than i am now .I wouldn't have minded if he hadn't acted like nothing happened that day because I'm pretty sure he knew I was the one he slept with. I lost my virginity to this coward and all I got was nothing ....well except for my precious baby boy.

"Addy would you...."

"Get out !Out Alexis!"I was screaming while my face was covered in snort and tears.

"I hate him."I continued to painfully drown my self in my own tears until I fell asleep.

Thanks for reading and i appreciate the comments too

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