From the Writer

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Hello! I am extremely honored that you have read and went on this journey with Jax and Charlie. I hope you love and care for them as much as I do. From personal experience I do understand how heart breaking it is for your favorite story comes to end, But don't worry I have written a squeal Killer Love and I have titled it Undying Love. Within that squeal the love story between Jackson and Charlie is not over! There so many more exciting and heart wrenching moments to come! But you have to read it to find out what exactly I mean by heart wrenching. (You might need a tissue ;) )
ALSO if you would like even more of my version of SOA please check out the spinoff of these two books. It is called Children of Anarchy. I'm sure you can tell by the title that the story is probably based around Abel and Thomas but the story also includes Jax and Charlie's new baby as well. It's a completely different take on the SOA world but it does not disappoint.  Which ever story you decide to read I hope you enjoy. Or if this is our last ride together and you don't want to read anymore then I thank you for giving my story the time of day. <3

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