Stay With Me

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"You ready?" I asked her, she looked at me and nodded before giving Gemma a hug. I watched as Gemma gave her a squeeze and a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks for inviting me."She told her. Gemma had this mischievous smile on her lips.
"Of course sweetheart." She told Charlie before she gave her one last kiss on the cheek then did the same to me.

"Guess I'll go back to the hospital." She said as we walked out of the house. Hearing her answer made me stop in my tracks on the lawn and look at her shaking my head at her.

"Charlie, you aren't staying at a damn hospital. You can stay with me or like we agreed earlier you can stay at the club." I told her and she rolled her eyes. I sighed and knew we were about to get into an argument.

"I don't want to stay at the club... Who knows how many people have been fucked on that bed." She told me placing her hands on her hips. She would always do that when thought she was going to win an argument.

"Then that only leaves my house." I narrowed my eyes at her.

After I finally convinced Charlie that she was going home with me. We talked about if she needed anything from her bags that were at the hospital with her dad. She said no that she had some stuff with her in her backpack and that she would be fine with just that stuff. Once we finally got to the house Neeta was sitting on the couch reading a book.

"Mr. Jax." She greeted me with a friendly smile.

"Hey Neeta. They do okay?" I asked her holding the door open for Charlie.

"Yes. They were fine." She looked at Charlie and smiled. Closing the door behind Charlie, I introduced them and opened the door for Neeta when she left. Looking over at Charlie she was standing in the middle of the living room and I smiled. I watched as her eyes looked around the room. It felt natural to have her in my house. I had imagined having her here with me so many times over the years that it was almost surreal seeing her actually standing there.

"Wanna see the boys?" I asked and she nodded so quickly I thought she would give her self whiplash. I chucked and nodded my head towards their rooms as I started to walk. She followed me to the door and I leaned against the door frame. I smiled to my self seeing Abel sleeping peaceful in his bed. Then I went to the room next door opening the cracked door even more to see Thomas asleep in his crib.

"Oh my gosh.." Charlie whispered as she peaked her head in Abel's room then slowly walked into Thomas's room her hand was over her heart. I couldn't help but to feel this sense of pride that came over me while i watched her look at both of my sons

"They are so perfect." she hushed out to me as she walked over to Thomas and watched him for a moment. She turned to look at me before walking out of the room then going back into Abel's.

"How old are they?" She asked.

"Thomas is three, Abel just turned six not too long ago." I told her. Charlie smiled while she watched Abel sleep then turned towards me before walking out of the room.

"They're at the best ages. I have two nieces in New York- my god daughters. They're both five. It's a fun age age." She told me and I smiled at her raising up one brow. She really had made herself a little family up there.

"God daughters, huh?" I asked and her smile widened.

"Yeah, two of my best friends got married and for whatever reason made me their god mother." She said.

"They must trust you a lot. As they should." I told her as I stared into her intense green eyes. She leaned her back against the wall next to Abel's room as she continued to look up at me.

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