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"Don't tell me you're canceling my appointment. At this point I'm coming to check on you." I heard the voice say on the other end of the phone. I took in a deep calming breath and looked over at the bedroom door. I had taken Charlie's phone while she got the boys ready for the day and made breakfast. I told myself that if she started cooking this morning that today would be the day she was up to it.

"Charlie, is everything alright?" He asked.

"Yeah she's fine." I said.

"Jax, I'm assuming." He said dryly.

"Yeah." I responded.

"What can I do for you?" He asked me.

"Are you going to threaten me and mark your territory?" He asked me and I gave him a scoff.

"I know my girl. I'm not worried. That's not why I'm calling." I told him. I waited for him to say something back but he gave me silence.

"I want to propose to Charlie tonight." I told him.

"Are you asking me for my blessing?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"No. I just want to make sure she's really happy. You know a side of her that I didn't even know existed." I told him.

"She killed someone, didn't she?" He asked me. The question alone made me sit down on our bed. My gut was right. She did learn that from him.

"Yeah...She did. That wasn't her first time was it?" I said slowly.

"No. I'm sure she told you about my life?" He asked. I nodded as if he could see me.

"Yeah." I told him.

"When we first started dating she killed a couple of people. A situation I should have never put her in. I was ready to leave her after that but- " He said with a sigh.

"She asked you to teach her." I finished for him.

"Yeah and so I did. She's always been good with a gun but she knew nothing about how to protect herself in a close combat fight so I taught her that. I didn't think she would get into so many fights but there are a lot of bastards in my world. I'm sure you can relate. Charlie's a beautiful woman- you know where I'm going with this." He said and once again I nodded as if he could see me. Something clicked inside of my mind knowing the true skeletons that she had in her closet. I saw her with new eyes the day I saved her but I just now actually could see the woman that was in my life. She was the Charlie I needed and then some. She had blood on her hands just like I did.

"I was shocked that she hadn't killed in the past. She told me that she was different back then- weaker is how she described it. I'm assuming this is the side of her you're talking about." He asked me.

"It is... She's feral when she does it. I've seen her fight some of my guys in some friendly sparring but this was different." I told him.

"Yeah... She's a different breed. That's for sure." He responded.

"What is it you need?" He asked me.

"I don't want to push marriage on her. If she isn't ready for this then I won't do it." I told him. I knew the other side of her that he apparently didn't and I knew that side of her would say yes to me in a heartbeat.

"I can tell you that she's been shutting me out lately. I haven't truly heard from her since she's been back with you. I'll figure that out and I'll let you know." He told me.

"I would appreciate that. Charlie doesn't know about this. I would like to keep it that way." I told him and he chuckled at my words.

"You would think we would have learned to not keep secrets from her by now." He told me and I joined with my own chuckle.

Killer Love: Sons Of AnarchyWhere stories live. Discover now