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It was strange to see Charlie so weak. It wasn't that she couldn't do anything for herself. It was that she didn't want to. I knew she had a lot of shit to work out on her own just from how independent she was. It had been almost two weeks since she had been home now. I understood that she had been through so much. She was still in a lot of pain and she was starting to refuse to take the pain meds she had been prescribed. They made her sleep all day and that was something that she didn't want. The first few days I had to constantly keep waking her up because she was sleeping too hard. Charlie was being as normal as she could be in this situation. She took care of the boys but she didn't want to leave the house. She didn't want to work. She just wanted to play house for a little while. We had barely spoken during the week due to her just being out of it. We had small conversations about the boys but that was it. I didn't want to burden her about the club when I was far more worried about her than anything else. Walking into the bedroom I saw that Charlie was awake on her own and trying to take her shirt off.

"Shit...." Charlie said.

"Let me." I told her as I walked over to her. I grabbed the ends of her shirt slowly pulling it over head hearing hisses pass through out of her lips. I let a frown come to me as I saw how much pain she was still in. Both her rib cages that were styled beautifully with ink were now covered in light blue, purple-ish bruises.

"Do you want some meds?" I asked her and she shook her head slowly. Pushing a puff of air out my nose, I looked down at her.

"Charlie, you don't have to hurt like this." I told her. The swelling on her face had gone down quite a bit. It was just the soreness and bruises that remained.

"They make me so out of it."She said as she stood up slowly.

"The boys up?" She asked me and I nodded at her.

"Yeah. Gemma is here though." I told her as I followed her into the bathroom. I watched as she studied her face in the mirror. It was a miracle that she didn't break anything in her face. When I first saw her I was sure that her nose was broken but luckily it wasn't. She let out a sigh as she examined her face.

"There's a brown glass bottle in my gym bag on the top shelf in our closet, could you get that for me?" She asked. I went into the closet, brought the bag down and looked through it. There was a pair black boxing gloves in there as well as wrap. I noticed some clothes in there too. I raised my brow when I found a couple thousand dollars banded in her bag along with a passport and a gun. I flipped open the little book to find a picture of Charlie but not her name. I walked back into the bathroom, setting the bag on the counter. I pulled out the money and the kimber gun that was in there.

"Planning on leaving?" I asked her. She looked over into the bag. She opened the side pouch and pulled out the bottle she was looking for.

"Of course not." She told me. I continued to stare at her wanting answers for what I found.

"Gifts from my ex." She told me simply.

"You gotta give me more than that." I told her. I watched as she opened the bottle and dropped the liquid onto her face.

"The girlfriend?"I asked. Prompting her to give me more information.

"No." She said and let out a sigh.

"The one before her." She said. That was the guy she loved. She never talked about that ex with me. Not once had she mentioned anything about him. I was so bluntly open with her about Tara and even Wendy. Hell, I told her about the girls that kept me company at Diosa. But when it came to that ex she never talked about him. I knew about her ex-girlfriend but I knew nothing about him.

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