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There wasn't a moment in today where you didn't repeat your conversation with Jimin over and over. You couldn't just reject the chef who was also your manager, but you truly did love Jimins home cooked lunches. Whatever you had to do, you wanted Jimins lunch over anything in the world, but maybe it was too late to prove that true. At break, you called Jimin as your leg moved up and down in desperateness for him to answer. You didn't even know what you'd say. You just wanted to hear his voice. He didn't answer but instead you received a message from him that said "I'm busy." No love, no care. He was truly angry with you.

"Why the face? I'm sure you're sad because you haven't eaten enough," the manager said. You slightly smiled and shook your head, "I'm not hungry." But he was quicker than you, "don't say things like that. You have to eat even if you aren't hungry." You sighed and knew that was true. You were hungry, but you just didn't want to take the chefs food. If you didn't, you wouldn't eat. "Sorry I-" you said as you got up and avoided even looking at the food he had made for you.

The manager followed you and gently placed a hand on your shoulder, "hey. I don't know if I did anything wrong, but please eat," he said. You smiled gently at his efforts to help you, but it was impossible to take him more into importance than Jimin. "I'm- I'll go eat something somewhere else, thank you," you said but he smiled which confused you.

"I'll go with you! I know the healthiest things you could get!" he said. You kind of wanted to scream at him to fuck off, but he's your manager so you accepted. "Sure...Thank you."

You both walked out to the street and went to a nearby restaurant where you sat next to each other on some stools, facing out into the cold, rainy street. You truly didn't want to be here. You just wanted Jimins affection. You wanted to say sorry for all your mistakes and be wrapped in his arms. "-right?" your boss finished his question. You weren't even listening. "Hm?" you asked. "I said, we can call this a date," he said, a small smile brushing into his face.

You stared at him with your eyebrows slight raised in surprise and confusion. "Sir- Im pregnant-" you started, but his excitement took over and interrupted you as he took your hand. "I know! And I've grown attached to both of you. I love making you lunches and love seeing your face when you eat them. I want to be able to see that face often, smiling at me. (Y/n), I am willing to be that baby's father. I want to take care of you. You don't have to be alone," he said but you shook your head and pulled your hand back. "I'm not alone! Don't say things like that. You don't know anything about me," you said, but he was insistent.

"I don't care! I want to get to know you. I like you-" he said before planting a kiss on your lips as he gently placed a hand on your growing belly.

You wasted no time and shoved him off, giving him a disgusted expression and standing from the stool. "I can't believe you did this. I don't know how you haven't seen my boyfriend drop me off here every single morning....even if I didn't have a boyfriend, what you did was weird!!. As a matter of fact, I quit. I don't want to keep working at your restaurant," you said before grabbing your coat and walking out of the restaurant, hungry and pissed off as you wiped your lips from the kiss you wished you could go back and avoid.

You went back into the restaurant, left your apron and took your belongings as you made your way to the exit. You were full of anger and regret as you whispered curse words to yourself and your boss. He still had the audacity to come and stop you. "(Y/n)!" he said as he grabbed your wrist but you snatched it away almost immediately. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you were in a relationship. You don't have to quit-"

"I'm fucking stupid for not telling you I was, but you're a bigger blind dumbass for not seeing me kiss him every single morning. It happened right. Fucking. There. Every morning. I'm convinced you're just acting stupid and thought id give in easily. Fuck that. Bye," you said as you pushed the door open to leave but he pulled you back in. "No! I wasn't. I really didn't know. I don't pay attention to anything outside the restaurant. Believe everything I tell you. I won't disrespect you anymo-"

"I. Said. Goodbye," you said with an angry tone and pulled your grip away from him. "Don't touch me again musty crusty Shrek looking ass bitch," you said in a whisper almost to yourself before walking out and looking for a way to go home.

You walked a few blocks against heavy rain until you arrived to a bus stop with no protection from the rain. You stood there and waited for the bus as long as you had to. You missed Jimin. Absolutely everything was perfect whenever he was around. Somehow you were always lucky when you were around him and things went bad when you weren't.

"You know you can't take medicine when you're pregnant....so you won't wanna get sick any time soon," Ryujin's friendly tone soothed you as she held an umbrella over you. You looked up at her and smiled, "aren't you supposed to be working?" you asked her, but she shook her head as she pushed some stay strands of hair from your saddened face. "I quit. That boss of ours, he tried getting me to sleep with him too. I didn't know it wasn't just me until I overheard you and him. I was close to falling for him, but I'm glad I didn't. I'm sorry he tried anything with you," she said as she looked down at your belly.

"I still wish to marry and be happy as young as you. Maybe one day we'll meet again. I'll pray for you and your baby. I know you'll be a great mother. You already are," she said, gently rubbing your arm as she bus arrived. You smiled at her and gave her a hug. You were truly going to miss her and her positivity. If only you could give her some of your happiness too. You got on the bus and waved her goodbye as she stood there and waved back before turning to walk the opposite direction of the bus.


Jimins POV

"You told her to get out?! That's so mean," Jin said to me. I was only upset. I mean, obviously she'd pick a chefs meal over mine. All day I thought I might've overreacted. I feel bad.

"So what do I do?" I asked Jin. Jin sometimes had great or terrible advice, but I still had to ask for an opinion. "I think you should go to her work place at her beak time and take her flowers. Or something?" Jin said. I pouted my lip in thought. Flowers seem too commonly used.

I asked my boss to be able to leave work early and thankfully she let me. I wasn't about to waste time, so I went to the grocery store and went back home to make her the best lunch recipe I could look for. It was really complicated to make and I even burned my finger...TWICE. I managed to bandage them since they stung so bad but I was happy overall. Because the lunch came out so well! It tasted so rich and balanced...perfect for that sensitive pregnant belly of hers.

"I'm busy," I texted her so plain and simply, but I really had no time to waste. It was that much harder working with burnt sausages.

I went to her work place a little late, but her break is half an hour long, so I figured she'd have enough time. I got off my car and managed to get soaked in the time I took to find my umbrella that fell through the side of the passengers seat. I didn't care though. I managed to get he umbrella and carefully grab my princesses' lunch. I stepped into the sidewalk, but my excitement shattered. I thought I was wrong. I wanted it to be my fault so damn bad, but it wasn't.

I still stood there, watching how she looked at him as he spoke. Her eyes were so gentle. I just wanted to go and beg for her to only look at me that way. Then he kissed her and I felt like my entire soul crumbled completely. So she really did like him. Why is it so hard to just tell me she's over me? Maybe I'm just easily fooled. I felt my heart become heavy and I wanted to cry. I love her so much and I made a mistake to  scream at her that way today. I saw how he placed his hand on her belly and it infuriated me so much...but I felt weak. I turned around with the lunch box in my hand and let it go in the trash bin closest to me. No matter what I do, I can't win a heart that doesn't belong to me anymore. I'm a fool. I was set aside...seen as a joke. I am a joke. I am an idiot.

And even as I stand in heavy rain...I am still in love.

Winter (Jimin x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon