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"No (y/n) I did not kill your sister. It was all a big mistake-"

"MOM!" you screamed at her in the verge of tears. How could she still deny it all? "I didn't kill her!"

"YES YOU DID. SHE WAS DEAD BEFORE THE FIRE. SHE WAS DROWNED IN THE BATHTUB SHE DIDNT JUST SLIP IN THERE," you screamed at her right in her face as she looked at you, faking tears herself. "STOP FAKING EVERYTHING!!" you screamed, loosing yourself in your emotions. Jimin pulled you back, embracing you into a hug as he forcefully blinked away his tears. He couldn't believe the kind of mother you had and the kind of childhood you had to go through.

"How many times do I have to explain it to you sweetheart. The autopsy-"

"Fuck. You. Don't call me things you've never meant you lame ass bitch. You can't even lie without sounding stupid as hell. I know you paid for it to be changed around into a story we'd all fall for but I didn't. I was with you when you turned in the money for fucks sake! Don't you remember?! I was young but that stayed in my mind," you said, your voice shaky and extremely upset. Jimin couldn't hold it in. He let out a trembling sigh in disbelief of something he had never expected to happen to you.

Your mother grabbed her phone and began walking away, "you never saw anything," she whispered almost to herself. "Now you wanna leave?! I thought you had a lot to say to me BITCH! YOU KILLED YOUR FIRST DAUGHTER AND YOU THOUGHT NO ONE WOULD KNOW!" you said as you followed her out, screaming painful truths to her as she fled. Jimin held you, preventing you from following her. She left and your body weakened with pain. Pain in your heart for not having saved your sister somehow.

Jimin sniffled as he pulled you into a hug again. You let go of your pain as you hugged him back. He was always your safe place. He caressed your hair and kissed your head many times to remind you that you are loved and to ask for forgiveness for everything he had ever done for you. You felt his heart beat quickly and you knew he was crying. "I'm sorry," he said through broken words, but that only made you cry more. You were also sorry— towards your sister. She never deserved to die so young.

Jimin took you to the couch and took your shoes off. You watched how he pushed your hair back and planted a soft kiss on your forehead before walking away for a moment. You saw how red his eyes were before leaving.

He walked to the room and grabbed his favorite yellow blanket, holding it in his hands. He stared at it, thinking about you, the baby, your sister, your past, and how cruel it has been to you. His face scrunched up and he buried his face into the yellow blanket, crying and letting out muffled whimpers into it. He wished he could heal you from it all. He only wished he could be the one to always make you never look back at the things that hurt you the most. If this blanket could protect you from all the damages and painful parts of life, he'd always wrap you in it, with himself in it too.

He pulled the blanket off from his face and wiped his eyes with his sleeves, whimpering a few last times before sighing and becoming tough for you. He grabbed some pillows and took the blanket with him to the living room where you were. "Jagi-" he said in a low tone. You recognized that tone from when he's forcing himself to be strong. You looked over only to find yourself looking into his swollen, glossy eyes. His cheeks were red and his lips were plump and red as well. He gave you a small smile as he wrapped you into the blanket before tucking your feet into the blanket and surrounding you with comforting pillows.

He caressed your head and hummed at himself, avoiding the eyes he knew were looking at him. As he got up, you grabbed his hand, "Jiminie," you called with the same tearful expression as him. He let out a small, inaudible laugh as he looked at you and raised his eyebrows, waiting for a response. "Don't cry. You'll always be more than enough to make me happy," you said, a few tears falling from your eyes. He knelt down and grabbed the sides of your face. His eyes begged for you to stop crying because it crumbled him up completely. He leaned in and kissed your lips ever so gently before moving down and kissing your belly. Simba climbed onto couch and cuddled into your lap, purring over your tummy.

Jimin got up and went to the kitchen and came back with two warm teas for you both. He handed you one and sat down on the coffee table, "I'm sorry about you sister," he said as he looked down at his tea as if he was to blame. "You want to hear how it happened?" you asked. You had never told anyone about this and always kept it to yourself when you only wanted to let the world know what kind of mother you had. "If you feel comfortable," he suggested. Of course you did. You always felt the need to let it out sooner or later and what better person than Jimin?

"I was downstairs doing homework as my mother was in the kitchen cooking dinner—supposedly. My dad was at work and my sister in her room, studying for a big test she had. I guess my mom had told her to go take a shower but she hadn't gone mom has always been strict but with her mostly. I don't know why..but she always expected the best from her and any little mistake would bring my sister the biggest consequences. Even if it was something as silly as falling in public, my mom would hit her. She was always pressured to be at the top of everything and I think that stressed her out a lot. I mean, she was only 8 and already had so much to deal with. That day I heard her go to her room and yell at her like always. I heard her take her to the bathroom but I didn't go check because I was always forced to stay out of it or else I'd get hurt too. I heard my sister beg for her to stop, but it was something I heard often, so I only forced myself to not listen. I heard nothing but the shower running and after that I smelled smoke. I know she wanted to get rid of me too because when I got out of my room I saw the kitchen and hallway were on fire. I panicked and hid under by bed—I was only 5 years old. I cried for my parents but when I realized no one would come, I climbed out the window as best as I could and a neighbor found me. The next time I saw my mom she said she went out to get help. Doesn't that sound like bullshit? Who goes to get help before saving your children that are in the fire?!?? My sister was found drowned in the bathtub with some burns. She didn't die in the fire. If she was smart enough to be on the top lists of all her academic competitors, she was smart enough to detect a fire and escape it," you explained. Jimin had his hand over his mouth in thought. Even he agreed it was bullshit.

You discussed it all night to the point where Jimin suggested taking it to reopen a case, but then decided against it after thinking about your pregnancy and putting you first. Besides, the files must've been destroyed after the case was settled.

You went to bed after speaking for hours. Speaking to Jimin made you feel like he always cared about what you spoke about no matter how sad or dumb or scary the conversation was about. And he always showed interest. He always had this expression like you were telling the greatest stories to ever come from anyone alive, so you went to bed feeling much better, knowing someone other than yourself knew what truly happened to your sister. He came out of the shower and sat on the edge of the bed, still thinking about the story you told him, "you think we'd still be together if your sister was alive?" he asked, looking back at you as you laid comfortably in bed. His expression was a mix of sadness and hope.

You moved closer and sat up, wrapping your arms around him from behind and kissing his cheek. "I don't know, but I hope we would. The good thing is that we are now. There is no if's right now," you said as you rested your head on his back. Jimin watched your hands that were wrapped around him and he wondered how the ring in the black box would look on you.

He finally laid next to you and sighed, caressing your belly and humming a gentle song as Simba climbed onto the bed and laid on Jimin. The room was dark and comforting, but it made you smile when you heard Jimins gentle giggle at how the cat came closer and laid in between you both but giving you more attention as he rubbed all over you. "Calm down Simba," you said very quietly with a small laugh. Simba meowed back very gently before settling down. "Ahh..Simba is a careful cat. I think he knows you're carrying our baby," Jimin said in a soft, proud tone. His eyes closed as his hand rested on your belly, hoping that the day would come closer when he felt a first kick.



"I want cereal..."





" too," Jimin said as he sat up and turned the lights on, looking back at you with the cutest bright smile.

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