chapter one

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Credit of this video goes to me which means I took time to edit this video. So any one caught copying this video will be severely dealt with.


Emiliana's POV

I run my hand over my skirt for the millionth time today. I examine myself in the mirror hoping I would impress the CEO of corrado Enterprises, one of the biggest company in the country, to be the CEO'S personal assistant. it was the best offer I could get for now considering my condition.

I am dressed in a fitted black skirt that stopped a little above my knee and a pink button up shirt along with my black stilettos.

"how could he do that" a tall thin girl with short red hair cried walking into the rest room. Her mascara is running down her cheek. She is dressed in a tight shirt with a short blue skirt that stopped mid thigh.

Tsk. Tsk. Did she think she could get the job dressed like that. Not to be judgy but the company had handed out pamphlets containing their rules and regulations and decent dressing was one of them.

"don't worry, you will get another job " her friend consoled her, from the confidence written all over her friends face, she was not interviewing for the job. Rather, she had accompanied her.

"I even tried to make him choose me by wearing this" she cried again gesturing to her clothes

"there are more handsome men than him" her friend said again.

Her friend cries and says he is the most handsome person on earth.

I wonder how handsome he is. I never really watched TV since I've been in between working jobs and trying to pay off my debts. The only time I watch TV is with my sister, jasmine who is in college. But, maybe i have caught a glance of him in the magazine but all guys in magazines are hot and i never really look at their names.

"emiliana Valdez, you can go in now" I hear the intercom boom through the lounge.

I breathe in and make my way to the lady behind the desk. Her name tag had "anna" written on it.

"good morning Anna " I greet smiling broadly.

Anna gives me a lazy smile not caring much about me. She leads me to the topmost floor and leaves me in front of an office that had CEO written on it.

I breathe in heavily trying to stable my breath before knocking on the door lightly.

At exactly ten seconds, a deep, manly voice comes and I slowly open the door.

Due to my clumsiness, I trip on my own foot and stagger inside clutching the air as support as I would do to a railing.

I look down on my feet and they were wide apart like I wanted to wrestle someone. I curse mentally.

I pull them close immediately and pat my hair before smiling awkwardly at the man seated before me. His face stared at me in disgust.

Forget the disgust, he was freaking handsome.

He has dark long hair and dark blue eyes which are piercing into my brown ones. His nose is so pointed that I could stare at his face all day. And his lips, they look so soft and pink. His two piece black suit fits his body perfectly. His tie is slightly sagged. The girls were not wrong. He was handsome just like he stepped out of a magazine.

But that face, I have definitely seen him before. but where?

Realization hit me as I realized who he was.

Why? Why him. why did I have to meet him here and worst of all, why is he the CEO of this company.

I turn back abruptly trying to go outside. I can't do it. I can't meet him.

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