chapter three

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   Emiliana's POV
I yawned before tiredly standing up from bed.  I took the environment around me and it definitely didn't look like my place.  Suddenly realization hit me and I realized I wasn't at home but was In a  friendly man's house who I didn't know his name.

  I attempted to stand up letting the big blanket covering me fall to the floor.  My lips stretched into a smile. He covered me.

My eyes widened in shock when it rested on the golden clock on the wall. 7:05. And I had to be at work by 8. I sprang up and ran to where I guessed was the toilet and I was right.

It was vast and all but I didn't have time to examine it properly.  I took the fastest shower and made my way out wearing what I wore yesterday.  Thank God it was still smooth and presentable.

After dressing up,  I left a little note for the man yesterday and glanced back at the wall clock.  7:29.

I arrived at work by 7:50 and hurried to the elevator.  There were lots and lots of people using them and I had to wait for my turn.  I checked my watch and it was 7:56.

Finally,  I got into the elevator and it seemed like forever before I got to the top floor.

When I got to his office,  I remembered I haven't gotten his coffee.  Ill just make up an excuse when I see him.  Besides it was already 8:00 on dot. I knock quietly hoping he didn't hear me but he didn't respond anyways.

I knock harder already getting high hopes of him not being around but still he didn't respond. I opened the door slowly and walked inside. On his table,  there was a steaming hot coffee.  I tiptoed to my seat smiling to myself.

"you are two minutes late" I heard a strong male professional voice behind me.

Oh crap!  He was in the store room,  getting the files himself.

"I got here a long time ago but you didn't give me permission to come in and I heard you didn't like your privacy been interrupted " I say loud and clear.

He looked at me and examined me from head to toe "but you came in anyways "

"ah... I.. " I stuttered trying to find a suitable lie but I went blank.

"I'm sorry sir,  It won't happen again" I assured in a pleading tone.

He looked at me again tilting his head and then nodded running his hand through his silky long hair.

"next time and you're out" he says walking back to his big desk.

"At least he has a little bit of goodness in him" I think and walk back to my small desk compared to his.

"emiliana" he calls looking at some files on his table.

"yes, sir " I answer making myself present before him.

"get me the two recent files from 12b" he says pointing to the shelf that rested on the wall.

I nod and proceed to take it.  I moved my fingers along the shelf searching for 12b only to find out that 12b was at the top. 

Who built this thing so high?

I pulled a chair which made creaking sounds and Mr Raphael looks up at me his face wrinkled in annoyance.

I bend my head to show my apology but continued anyways.

I climbed the chair stretching my hands to reach the top but I needed like a step more to reach.

"I can't reach sir" I say turning around but he was already right behind me.

"just get me the one from 9c then" he says putting his hand in his pocket.

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