chapter twelve

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   Emiliana's POV
I scream more into my pillow until I hear shuffling at the door.  I stiffen and stand up hurriedly in time to when a dryer slips through the door. 

I bolt up and open the door ajar and peep outside.  There was no one there.  I sigh in relief and touch my hair.  It isn't as wet anymore.  I pick the dryer up and dump it on the sofa near the  bed.

Why am I in this mess?

My phone alarm rings loudly in my ear and I couldn't help but bolt up from the bed.  It was 3:50am . I jump into the shower and let the warm water trickle down my body.

When I finished,  I slipped into my dress from yesterday and with my shoes in hand,  walk outside quietly.  From the way things are,  I guess everyone is still asleep.

Finally,  I reach the door but it's locked.  I curse myself.  How could the door of this house be open.

"emiliana,  where are you off to? " I hear a voice behind me.  I turn around swiftly to meet the smiling eyes of Mrs Jones.

"I have to get home so I can get ready for work " I say trying to convince her.

"OK dear,  don't you want to have breakfast?,  I'm almost done and Mr Raphael will be done in an hour or so" she says nicely.

He is the one I'm trying to run away from.  What's the use? I'll still see him at work.

"thank you but I have to get going " I reply smiling and she returns it before helping me with the door and showing me how to open it.

Finally,  I'm out of that house.

I board a taxi and hurry home. Luckily,  big boss and his men had already left.  At least, I will soon get my first pay so that I can pay them off even if it won't still be enough.

The apartment isn't really messed up.  At least,  they pity me a little.  The chairs are turned upside down and some glass cups are broken.  Aside from that,  everything is perfect.

I get to cleaning the house, when I'm done,  I call jasmine.

"hi" she chirps.

"hello,  how are you doing? " I ask her putting a flower vase on the table.

"I'm fine,  are you at home now?  Is the house in good condition?  Where did you spend the night? " she blabbers concern obvious in her voice.

"everything is fine " I laugh

"thank God" she breathes

"make sure you make some fresh food before going to work OK? " she warns like a mother and I assure her that I will before we end the call.

I change into a white button up shirt with pearls on the neck and a fitted black skirt and a pair of black heels.  I let my hair
Cascade down my shoulder.

I open my fridge but it's empty except for a box of pizza and a warm glass of milk.  The pizza has only two slices and it didn't look it's best anymore.  It's dry and the cheese isn't active anymore.

How long has this been here.

Anyways,  it won't hurt to eat it.

I sit on a chair and munch the pizza and sip my milk.  After eating, I leave for work.

I hail a taxi and we start driving to corrado enterprises.

In the car,  I feel my stomach rumble and a sharp pain passes through my stomach. It stops and I breathe in relief.

I stop by in a café and order for coffee for Mr Raphael.

Finally,  I get to the company.  I pay the taxi driver and walk inside the company.  The pain in my tummy starts again and I use all the strength in me to reach the top floor.

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