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Updated: 19/02/20

THE NEXT TWO DAYS were bland. Gracie ended up making an excuse for Mike. Bella was so detached from the group, especially in the cafeteria when Edward wasn't there. The next day was even worse for Gracie; Bella didn't show up to school at all. Gracie decided to make a trip to La Push, instead of attending her regularly afternoon class of Physical Education. A beach day, supposedly. She didn't invite anyone, sort of wanted to enjoy the peace of the ocean breeze and the waves crashing against the shore, alone. Gracie did, however, call Bella but to no surprise she didn't answer.

The girl hopped down out of the Jeep, stepping onto the sandy beach. There were only about another two people. Boys. One had long hair and reminded her of Jacob Black, another of her earliest friends in Washington. The other had short ruffled hair, slender build and puppy eyes.

"Hello, Hello there." One of the boys spoke to which Gracie looked up from her phone, still hoping Bella would respond.

"Hi?" She responded, plainly. One of the boys smiled widely, the other seemed mesmorised.

"My name is Embry, this is Quil." The smiling boy put out his hand for her to shake. The boy named Quil still didn't say anything, frozen.

"I'm Gracie." She replied, putting her phone on her lap.

The boys looked to one another, before Quil finally spoke up.

"Gracie Biers? As in you grew up with Jacob Black?"

Gracie nodded slowly and laughed a little, "Yep, that's me."

"He didn't tell us you were beautiful." Quit slurred but she heard him clearly. Embry nudged him, almost as if his comment annoyed him.

"Why are you here by yourself?" Embry asked gently, sitting down beside the girl.

Truth was, Gracie didn't even know herself. She shrugged taking a deep breath. "Just enjoying the lovely weather."

The boys laughed as if it was the funniest thing ever. Gracie looked at them weirdly, standing up.

"Well I've got to get back," She smiled.

Quil looked to Embry, "We can take you home, you live on the very edge of Forks towards our reservation don't you?"

Embry looked at him weirdly, "What are you? Stalking?"

Gracie laughed awkwardly, heading back towards her truck. She could hear them arguing a little saying how Quil had scared her off. It was funny. 

Gracie wast ready to go home just yet. Her parents usually got home after eight p.m so instead of her usual home time she decided a detour around the La Push and Forks would suffice. She veered down new roads, drove passed Jacob's house and even sat in front of Bella's house. She sat for nearly half and hour deciding whether or not she should knock on the door but after such battles in her mind she lost the courage to, starting up the Jeep once more and slowly heading back home the long way. 

Opening the front door to which both of her parents were sitting on the table glaring at her. They were home early. Way early. They're usually back after eight pm. Gracie was used to always having breakfast and dinner by herself and for the one time she decided to actually go out, her parents are home early. Just her luck. Normally it would be fine, for everybody but herself. Her parents were strongly strict about her and her brother's whereabouts. That's the reason why Riley went to University in another state, for a bit of freedom. It didn't go down without a huge fight and an agreement to call every weekend. Her mother's glare was cold and bitter whilst her father was probably just there because she ordered him to stick up for her. Gracie's heart pounded as her mother held an opened letter in her hand. She stood up, glaring down at her daughter.

"You are a disgrace. You should be studying every spare minute you have rather than skipping school." She yelled, waving the letter in her hand.

"Mom, I don't know what your talking about!" Gracie pleaded, shuddering as she moved toward her.

'To Mr and Mrs Biers,

Your daughter, Gracie Biers, was absent during her final class of the day, Physical Education with Mr O'Neale [1400 - 1500] despite being present earlier throughout the day. Please attach reasons of dismissal as our school administrations office hadn't received notification of your daughter's late absence.

Forks High School.'

Her mother read the letter, loud and clear. Gracie tensed so hard, shocked and fearful of what her mother would do next. She knew so many friends and peers that skipped classes, none of them being caught but as of course, under the Biers sibling's black cloud, the first time she ever skips a class she's caught.

Her mother ranted and raved on things Gracie didn't pay attention to. She really needed Riley right now for at least he'd defend her no matter what. She reached out to take the letter from her mother's hand but she snatched it away. Her cold eyes glared harshly at her like she was some kind of monster that everybody hated but didn't fear. She tried her very hardest not to cry because that would make things worse than they already were and by the time she was sent to her room, she was glad. She didn't want to be in her presence any longer. She feared her mother's wrath with all her heart. At this point in time, Gracie envied her brother's freedom because right now more than anything the small teenage girl wanted to be far away from this normal, argumentative lifestyle she had and hid. She wanted to run away but if they ever found her, she would be as good as dead. It was times like this that Gracie wished she had somebody that would be there to hug her and tell her that life will get better. That it would be ok.

2017© ; misstonii

Midnight Sun ❖ (Embry Call - The Twilight Saga)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora