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AFTER GRACIE WAVED off Bella and Edward on the way to their honeymoon she raced back to Emily's house, eager to see Embry once again. As she narrowed the distance between herself and the front door of Emily's house she paused, her heart pounding. She felt weird. She stopped and press her back against a nearby tree, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves. She couldn't explain why she was feeling like this when she wanted to see Embry so badly.

"What are you doing outside?" A voice spoke from behind the tree, coming closer.

Gracie knew instantly by the voice that it was Embry Call. "I was just about to come inside."

Embry nodded, looking down to the ground whilst he leaned over the tree.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to be gone five weeks?" Gracie asked, looking straight him him even though his shoes seemed so interesting to him.

Embry took a moment before answering. "I didn't think I'd take that long."

Gracie furrowed her eyebrows, wondering why he was acting this way. Truth was she didn't want to fight with him. "Well, I missed you."

Embry looked up, probably glad she wasn't going to argue with him. He pulled her into him, giving her a hug. "I thought about you everyday."

Gracie hugged tighter, never wanting to let go, but eventually they did.

"Emily has made us dinner." He spoke softly, taking a step back so she could walk passed him.

Embry pursed his lips, watching as the girl he loved made her way to Emily's kitchen. He was backing away from Gracie, not because he didn't love her but because in those five weeks he learned a lot about everything. He knew the possibilities of Bella being killed and he wasn't sure how Gracie would take it. He also thought that if there was ever a time when he, himself, was killed that Gracie was way too close to him for herself to cope. To him, it sounded reasonable. But if only Gracie knew, or even Sam - they'd both tell him how ridiculous it really was and how much the tension between them two in the future would be.

The next morning, Gracie came into the kitchen to find Sam and Embry talking. Sam looked straight at the girl then to Embry before walking off. Gracie was beginning to expect the worst. She was piecing together the signs of his disappearance, brushing it off and then again when he took a long time to join her for dinner the night before. Maybe he wasn't happy because of her. Maybe he was asking Sam would if the imprinting was wrong. Maybe...

"Gracie?" Embry asked, now in front of her.

"Hmm?" Gracie tuned back, snapping out of her daze of questions and worst case scenarios.

"The other's are down at the beach." Embry simply said, gently brushing his hand over her forearm.

Gracie shivered at his touch without realisation. Embry noticed at examined her, this time she was the one looking away. Embry's fingers moved the girl's chin to look at him.

"What's wrong?" Embry asked quietly.

Gracie searched amongst his eyes, completely disregarding the question. "What did Sam say?"

"I asked him something and he told me I was being stupid and to fix it." Embry explained without any description.

Gracie's scenarios were flooding back in. "About us?"

"Yes." Embry said, then Gracie's face fell. "I'm scared for you, about all the losses you've had to deal with and what if you lose Bella? What if I get killed one day?"

Gracie was not expecting that at all. She paused, realising how much he truly did care for her. She didn't answer but hugged him tightly.

"Gra...?" He asked but was cut off by the girl's lips on his.

She gave him one long and sincere kiss before opening her eyes and staring deeply into his concerned brown eyes. "If you really don't want to see me hurt, don't ever leave my side for long."

Embry smiled, kissing her once again for longer.

Later on, they met the others hand-in-hand at the beach. Everybody was playing soccer, except for Seth and Jacob who sat on a log not too far away from the others. The pair joined them, Embry sitting beside Seth whilst Gracie sat on his lap, arms around his neck. It was quite chilly due to the ocean breeze sweeping by, in which Embry continuously rubbed his warm hands over Gracie's shoulder's and arms.

"Maybe they'll say she was in a car crash. Or tripped and fell off a cliff." Jacob's depressing voice spoke, looking forward onto the shoreline. "At least I'll get one thing out of it."

Embry looked up to Gracie, both he and Seth reading the image in his mind but Gracie didn't know what Jacob meant.

"No, you won't." Sam paused to scold Jacob whilst picking up the soccer ball from the ground. "The Cullen's are not a danger to the town or the tribe."

"Well, he's either gonna kill her or change her. And the treaty says..." Jacob began once again.

"I say, Jacob. I say." Sam finally said, kicking the ball back to Paul.

Leah sat down beside Jacob, flicking her eyes at the boy's and their stupid emotions.

"You know, if you wanted things different, you should've become alpha." Embry spoke up this time. Jacob looked to Embry solely, before looking back forward.

"Turning it down seemed like a good idea at the time."

Seth shivered a little from the cold, "Jake, you really think you could kill Bella if she comes back a vampire?"

"No, make one of us do it, then hold a grudge against us." Leah snapped a little bit back, Gracie holding back a small laugh as she saw Jacob's deathly stare at her.

"Shut up, Leah."

Leah scrunched her face up at him. "Would you just get over it? It's not like you've imprinted on her."

Leah did have a point but at the same time, Gracie didn't fully understand why imprinting even existed, I mean, she was glad it did so she had Embry completely but for real, why? They all looked over at the werewolves who had imprinted on their soulmates.

"At least they seem happy." Seth answered.

"Yeah. Some people are lucky," Embry smiled looking up at Gracie.

"Lucky? None of them belong to themselves anymore. And the sickest part is their genes tell them they're happy about it." Jacob spat back, not meaning to hurt Gracie or Embry but mainly regarding Quil with his child imprint.

Gracie looked at Jacob with an odd look.

"Embry and Gracie were lucky." Leah began to defend her best friend. "They fell in love with each other before Embry even phased then imprinted."

Jacob looked to Gracie and Embry. "I'm sorry, but I mean it about everybody except you two."

Gracie and Embry exchanged a look. Embry flicking his eyes.

"Least if you imprinted on someone, you'd finally forget about Bella. I mean, being any kind of happy is better than being miserable about someone you can't have." Leah finally said, looking away from the group toward Sam.

It was true, Jacob needed to forget about Bella.

2017 ©misstonii

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