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Updated 19/02/20

TODAY was seemingly weirder than the usual chaos at high school. Bella sat with Gracie's group during lunch break for the first time in months, the Spartans football team had lost for the first time in twenty years that morning and then to top it off, the weather was perfect and sunny - unlike last night. Gracie had almost made it out at the end of the school day without anything else piling on the list of weirdness. The bell rung for the end, people either running out to the school buses or dawdling to their lockers making the hallway even more crammed. Gracie shut her locker door, jumping at the figure waiting behind the door. It was Mike Newton. His smile glistened as she could tell he had something prepared in his mind. It was only the first day of the school week and she could just tell he had some golden plan cooking in his head. Now she was just jumping to conclusions...

"Would you like to see a movie, this Friday night?" 

Well... her guess was pretty accurate. She took a breath, thinking about his proposal. Maybe a night out wouldn't be so bad. In fact, she had a plan.

"Actually, that would be great." Gracie replied, watching as Mike brightened up even more purely expecting a completely different, usual answer. 

He stuttered a couple times till finally he formed a sentence. "Well, maybe we could see 'Love spelled backwards is love?' It's a dumb title, but I heard it's good." 

"Yeah, anything. I don't mind." She quickly brushed through, still thinking about how this night would go. 

Her idea was to ask Bella and Jacob, like a double date. It would fit perfectly in part of her deal with Jacob, and it will also take Bella's mind off her numerous dramas. She quickly passed Mike, who was practically high giving himself, and made her way through the crowd to hunt down Bella Swan. Now this girl wasn't pretty hard to find; she'd surely be leaning against her truck staring at Edward's old parking spot until she was one of the last people in the lot, so she knew she'd be able to catch her. As Gracie made her way down the steps leading to the parking lot, sure enough there she was leaning against her truck staring at the vacant space right beside me. She caught Gracie's stare and gave a little wave, to which she gave one back whilst heading her direction. 

"Hey Bella, you wouldn't happen to be unavailable this Friday night would you?" Gracie asked, opening her own car door beside Bella. 

She tucked a strand behind her ear, furrowing her eyebrows as she gave her mumbled answer. "No, I'm free." 

"Sweet!" Gracie chimed, excitedly. "You're coming to a movie night with Mike, Jacob and I."

Bella shuddered a little, "Does Jacob know he's invited?" 

"No, but you're going to ask him tonight!" The blonde raised her eyebrows, smiling, which made Bella laugh. 

It always felt like such an accomplishment to make Bella laugh, especially without Edward in her presence. The week sped through, faster than she'd expected. Before she knew it, it was Friday afternoon. With Mike downstairs, Gracie stood in the mirror straightening the hem of her white sun-dress before grabbing her casual small purse she would string diagonally across her chest and headed downstairs. Her mother wished a safe trip whilst handing her light-coloured jean jacket, to which she politely thanked her on the way out as she put it on. Since her father was doing an oil change in the Jeep the day before, Gracie led Mike through the back door as the car was round the back. Mike, as usual through nerves, spoke at a hundred miles per hour about things Gracie had now idea what he was talking about. She shut the screen door followed back the proper back door and when she turned around she watched Mike boot her brother's football across the large backyard, rolling a couple metres before the tree-line. Gracie glared at him, annoyed, but left the ball there before hopping into the driver's seat.

She sat in Riley's Jeep for a couple seconds to collect her thoughts, which was difficult with Mike's motor mouth, and when her eyes focused on the distant path ahead she saw figures underneath the shadows of the trees lining the river in her backyard. There were four of them to be exact with tanned skin but as she tried to spot more features, they disappeared. She shook her head, thinking she was going crazy. So with that thought, Gracie took off to the theatre.

As she stood beside Mike and Jacob, waiting for Bella to buy the tickets, the radiant tension between both boys built up and up with every passing minute. 

"Face Punch, huh? I heard it sucks." Jacob began taunting Mike, who looked like he was breaking into a sweat. 

Gracie turned around unsure of what he was talking about, even Mike. "Face Punch? We're not seeing that." 

Jacob chuckled a little, as they all turned to see Bella heading back with the tickets in hand. She sighed, knowing Bella doesn't normally like Romance movies . Gracie wasn't mad at her, really, it was more the fact that she felt bad for Mike. He really wanted this whole date thing to work, Gracie was the same but for Jacob. Now, this turned into one big Action Movie itself. Face Punch, quite literally. Bella clicked her tongue suggesting we head in, clearly feeling the intense tension between both the boys. 

The lines were long, for everything. They spent almost ten minutes in the food line just for Mike to solely get a large orange soda. Getting into the actual cinema itself was worse. The crowds led the four of them to the very front row. Great. She hated sitting at the very front. Gracie was a middle to back seat kind of girl. She glanced to the arm rest, Mike's hand facing up in hope she'd slip her fingers in his. She also tried to subtly look over to Jacob, he too with his hand out and just like her, Bella closed herself in awkwardly. Jacob was right about this movie, it seriously did suck. It sucked so much that they didn't even get through it. There was so much blood and gore thoroughly detailed every second to the point that Mike felt like he was going to throw up. Mike anxiously stood up fast and in doing so accidentally bumped his orange soda which spilled all over Gracie and her white dress. 

"I'm sorry," He mumbled whilst running out of the cinema, as the girl grumbled angrily at the fact that his orange soda had gone all over her. 

As she barged through the cinema doors after Mike, Bella and Jacob followed behind slowly. Mike ran into the men's bathroom whilst Gracie headed into the woman's restroom. She spent so many minutes trying to angle her the ends of her dress underneath the hand dryer, but it soon became sticky. She then had the rinse it under the water, praying that no one would open the door. As she re-dried the skirt, then her hands and recomposed herself, she headed out the door to find Jacob standing up, right in front of Mike. Her white dress had a very light orange stain but she hoped her mother would be able to miraculously get it out. The boys however, were in some sort of heated argument as predicted. Jacob did have a sort of anger within him occasionally, but this seemed more vivid than usual. 

Bella pulled his arm back, "Woah, Jacob you're hot. Like fever hot. Are you okay?" 

Gracie stood in between Jacob and Mike, looking into Jacob's eyes to calm him down. He shrugged away, saying he didn't feel well either and needed to go home. We watched him leave the building, Mike breathing heavily as if he'd seen a serial killer. She didn't know what would happen. Had she failed her mission to get Jacob and Bella together? So many questions were running through her mind. Bella grabbed Gracie's hand, pulling the girl alongside her and Mike as they all left the building. Today had just tipped the iceberg of all weirdness here in Forks. 

2017© ; misstonii

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