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A week and a half later, Zane invites me and Grant out for again, making it the third time we all went out together. So far the progress has been slow, but I think I've gained most of his trust. Which I think says a lot about his character. People who are associated with terror groups don't usually trust so quickly, but I suppose there might be a first for everything.

"Oh, come on, you can give us a hint," Veronica jokes, touching Grant's forearm, and giggling. I roll my eyes and sip my wine. I don't know how Zane hasn't noticed her flirting with Grant so much. Not that I minded, it left me free to ask as many questions of Zane as I liked. And I didn't spare him a single thing.

"So the company's based in Colombia?" I ask him, leaning forward on my elbows as I try my best to ignore Grant flirt to Veronica.

"Yeah, that's the main base. It actually started out as the first vineyard, but now we own many of the neighboring vineyards as well." He tells me, sipping at his glass of bourbon. I nod, trying to stay interested and not wander off into my mind. What kind of terrorism group could this guy possibly fall into? He was way too thoughtful to be able to hurt someone purposefully. But I suppose you've got to be a good actor to hide that kind of secret. I glance at the watch, feeling my eyes begin to get heavy. Twelve-fourty seven. Almost one in the morning. I glance at Grant, hoping he'll get the hint, but he's way too deep into a conversation with Veronica.

"What are your plans for thanksgiving?" Zane asks curiously. I glance at him surprised he'd asked.

"Oh, well, nothing really. Was probably going to stay home and order out," I laugh, leaning back in my chair and scraping the remainder of my dessert around my plate.

"How would you two like to go to Florida for a couple days with me and Ver?" He asks, looking between Grant and I excitedly. I blink, raising my eyebrows and glance at Grant. He looks just as surprised. That was pretty quick. I had expected it to take him another month before he trusted us this much.

"I don't know-"

"Definitely," Grant grins, nodding at Zane enthusiastically. I really hope he wasn't getting emotionally attached to the overdramatic blonde across from him. It would put the whole mission in jeopardy. I nod slowly.

"I guess."

"Great, we'll actually be able to meet up with my partner down in Hawaii. He's the head at the office down there," He explains to me. "He rarely comes up to New York, but I suppose since we'll be doing more business together in the future, you two should probably meet. I think Nicky will really like you," he smiles. Well, that actually clears up the amount of trust. He's just hoping to finalize the partnership.  

"Oh, that sounds great, doesn't it babe?" I ask, nudging Grant. He blinks and looks over at us.

"Yeah, you'll finally be able to finalize those pesky papers," He smiles, smoothly falling into the conversation. Well, he is technically a professional smooth talker. I take another sip of wine, feeling it begin to take effect. I suppose a third glass will do that.

"We should actually get going," I tell the duo across from us, as I wrap my arm around Grant's thick upper arm. He nods sheepishly, checking the time.

"Yeah, damn. I need to wake up early for a meeting tomorrow." The lie comes off his tongue so easily I almost believe him. For a moment I imagine us as a real couple, just two completely normal people on a double date with friends from work. I blink and come back to reality.

"No problem. I'll send you the details via email tonight," Zane tells me, smiling easily at me. I nod, smiling back.

"Goodnight you two, don't have too much fun," Veronica smiles, joking, but I see the poison behind her words. They drip and if they could they would have they would have burned me. Grant winks, and Zane laughs, leaning back in his seat. I roll my eyes, and slip into my jacket as Grant goes off to pay the bill.

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