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The first thing I do when we arrive to our hotel is take a shower. I mean one long shower with the water burning hot. I step out and get dressed into my pyjamas. When I get out Grant is sitting on the couch with his laptop on his lap and black rimmed glasses sitting on his nose. I raise my eyebrows and I towel my hair dry. Somehow the glasses made him look even cuter. Nerdy cute. I shake my head, glaring down at the ground. Thoughts like these are what is going to be the death of me. I sigh and sit down in the armchair, glancing at Grant from the corner of my eye. He looks up at me, then continues whatever it is he's doing. 

"I just think you should know, there's only one bed," He says, trying to hide his smirk. I freeze, towel still wringing my hair dry. I stare at him, mouth agape. 

"Why the hell did you book a one bedroom suite!" I yell, throwing my arms out. "Go downstair and change it right now," I tell him, glaring at him. 

"It would be fishy if Mr. Casteel was to suddenly drop by and find us staying in a two bedroom suite," Grant says, almost in a sing song voice. I glare at him, silently shooting daggers at him. I hate him when he's right. 

"So what do we-"

"I call the left side," He says gleefully, shutting his laptop and looking up at me, fully grinning. 

"I call the couch," I shoot back, narrowing my eyes at him. He chuckles. 

"Aw, come on, don't be like that. I promise not to bite," He says, wriggling his eyebrows. 

"Oh, please I dare you to try something," I snap back, sniffing. "You're arm would be halfway across the room before you could say shawarma," I tell him. He raises his eyebrows. 

"What if it's not my arm that-"

"Just stop," I groan, putting my head between my knees. "You're going to make me sick." And just a little antsy. I ignore the hammering beat of my heart. My phone dings, and I grab it off the table. Slowly I read the cheery text Zane had sent me. "I guess I'm going to breakfast with Zane and his partner tomorrow. Should be interesting," I mutter, more to myself than to Grant. 

"Aww, look he even sent a smiley face," Grant says, his voice near my ear. I jump, and turn my head to glare at him. Big mistake. His face is inches from mine, and his breath tickles my cheeks. It smells like spearmint, and I almost want to lean in, just to taste it. His forest green eyes blink at me, their depth unfathomable. You shouldn't be able to drown in green, but here I was barely able to breathe. It's always his eyes that pull me to him, their sparkle and that shine of something beneath. A puzzle for me to figure out. I realize suddenly how close we truly were, and I lean backwards, frowning at him. 

"Ever heard of personal space?"

"Sorry," He says, smirking. I can tell he doesn't mean it from the laughing twinkle in his eyes. Hopefully he hadn't noticed my moment  of weakness. I turn away, hiding the blush in my cheeks. 

"Whatever. Don't do it again," I tell him, turning back to my phone. I quickly send off a reply to Zane, telling him I'll meet them in the lunchroom. 

"Oh, please, what are you so scared of," Grant says rolling his eyes. "Just a kiss." 

"This is bordering harassment," I narrow my eyes at the dark haired man, knowing full well it doesn't even come close. 

"It's only harassment if you don't enjoy it," He says, winking at me as he resumes his seat and puts his feet up on the table. He slips off his glasses and places them on the coffee table next to him. I roll my eyes and bring my knees up to my chest and I fiddle with my phone. Grant searches through the channels, and yawns. He stretches his had above his head, giving me a glimpse of the tan skin underneath. I turn my gaze away, pretending not to have seen. 

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