Twenty Five

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"How was your trip to Shanghai?" Zane asks me as he enters the office. I smile brightly at him, ignoring the twinge of guilt in my stomach as I prepare myself to lie through my teeth. Quickly, I rise to my feet and shake his hand. My legs wobble a bit, but I steady myself without him noticing.

I still hadn't regained my full strength. Slowly my body sinks into the chair I'd stood up from.

"Fine. I managed to sell a few of my paintings off, so it wasn't all pleasure," I smile, shrugging. "Hopefully, I didn't miss to much here."

"Nothing of interest. Though Nickolas seemed more sulky than usual," Zane says, throwing me a meaningful look. I look away, out the giant window behind him.

"I managed to create an opening in my schedule for the next two weeks. When would you like to go down to Colombia? I'm quite eager to meet Philomena, honestly," I tell him, steering clear of Killian.

He hasn't spoken to me ever since he walked in on Parker kissing me. And I decided it best to keep my distance. I'd already been abandoned and broken by him once, I'm not sure I'd be able to handle a second time. So I spend as much time with Parker as I can. For the last week I've been at his place, regaining my strength and shopping for an apartment of my own. Except it isn't as easy as you would think. So far I'd seen nearly eight different places, each worse than the next. And none anywhere near Central Park.

Zane narrows his eyes at me, noticing my change in subject. "You never mentioned why you two broke it off," He says after a considerable pause. Maybe if I give him something we can go back something of actual importance.

"We had different goals in life," I say through gritted teeth.


I really wish he hand't brought up the subject. I control my emotions, displaying nothing on my face.

"It's a little personal, Zane, and I'd rather not dwell on my past..." I trail off, not meeting his curious gaze. His eyes widen and he looks at me with understanding.

"I'm so sorry, I should have known it would be a sore spot. I promise not to bring it up again." He falls quiet for a second, examining me. "How about we book a flight for Saturday? I'll juggle my schedule and have my secretary book us a flight, does that sound good?" He asks, leaving behind the previous subject. I smile at him, nodding.

"Sounds great. I can't wait to meet your family," I tell him. He smiles at me.

"I'll have Felicity send over the ticket as soon as it's booked." I nod, standing up and smoothing down my pencil skirt. As I turn and start for the door, his voice stops me. "Adrianna?" Zane asks. I turn back to him, raising an eyebrow. He watches me for a second. "Would you like to meet up tonight and maybe I can buy you a drink? This time it'll just be the two of us, no surprise visits, I promise." He grins sheepishly. I laugh.

"Sure, Zane. Sounds good. Text me the details and I'll meet you tonight," I say, then open his office door and start down to the garage for my car.

"That went very well," Parker says in my ear. "Though, I gotta admit, I was hoping to have you to myself tonight." I press my lips together to keep the smile off my face. Instead of giving him an answer, I clear my throat as I wait for the elevator. We never did get to continue that conversation about his confession. I'd been too wrapped up in my thoughts to focus on something that trivial.

If what O'Donnel had said was true....

"I'm shutting you off, I'll see you back at the apartment," I whisper, making sure no one is around. I shut off the earpiece.

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