Zombie(the cranberries)

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My feet hurts from walking around the forest without shoes. The only way to ignore the pain to me is to ignore everything around you and just keep telling your body to move forward. I know it's dangerous but the pain is getting worse that I have to ignore everything around me.

I sighed again for the millionth time today. Yay new record ( note the scream). I triped, as I look up I hear growling, to see a walking corpse.


I wishpered to myself for being so stupid. Going on instincts, I jumped on to my feet.

I unfolded my wings, as I jumped up and do a full 360. My eyes widened as I watch my right wing want straight though the corpse, slicing it in half. I landed on the ground (thankfully on my feet), I want to check to see if blood got on my wings, I was surprised to see no blood.

'So I can use my wings as weapon but can I use them as a sheld too. Well I hope that I'll got to try it out soon. WAITE A MINUTE IF I GOT WINGS CAN I FLIY, I'M SO STUPID, I COULD BE UP IN THE SKY BUT NOOOOO I HAVE TO BE STUPID AGAIN.AAAAAHHHHH. I HATE YOU BRAIN OF MINE. NOOOOO YOU HAVE TO HURT YOUR FEET FIRST. YOU KNOW WHAT F**K YOU BRAIN. WHAT AM I DOING, STAYING HERE LIKE AN IDIOT IN THE CLEARING, IN THE MIDDLE OF A FOREST,ALSO I MAY ADD I MIGHT LOOK LIKE A WALKING CORPES. I'M BENNING STUPID AGAIN and I'm fighting with my brain.i give up. Let's first off with flipping my wings but before I do I need to use the bathroom.'

So after I use the bathroom, I started to flip my wings until I know I could flip them harder. I got faster and faster, I slowly got off the ground.

'YES, THIS IS SO COOL but I need to stay out of humans vision and the only way i think of is on the ground. Oh I can fly between the tree instead.'

I slowly fly between them, I gang speed as I go. Also I'm soundless as I fly, so I won't get unwanted attention. I love how the wind go though my hair. (After a little while flying between trees ) I slowdown as I got close to the edge of a town.
______^____________________€____________ Sorry it's so short but the more you get into the story the longer the chapters.

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