Guts Over Fear (Sia)

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(Colbys pov)

"Someone who was having a nice day until you came along. I was trying to find my friends and you just have to take me away to a location I don't know nothing about and made me lose track."

I snapped at him.


"That's not good enough."

I rise my hand that wasn't holding him and make it in to a fist. I punched the hardest I can causing him to pass out with a broken nose.

I dropped him on the ground and walk to the open door as I popped my wings back in. I slowly stepped out, looking both ways, I quickly and quietly walked down the hall only to be stop by one of the man friends.

"What you doing out."

He stepped forward, my face still blank.

'I won't show my real emotions until I get out of here.'

I ran at the man and slipped under his legs, I quickly stood up to give him a hard chop at the back of the neck causing him to pass out. I watch him as he drop to the floor, I walk down the hallway to find another hall so I slowly walk down it, watching my step. I come to a door at the end of it and slowly open it to see to a group of men sitting at a table, about 5 of them.

All of their head snapped towards me.

"How did you get out."

One of the blonde men hissed at me. I smirk.

"That's not your concern."

I hissed back, the man snarled at me and look back to his men, they all nod and turned to me. They all a sudden pull out guns, I breath in and out slowly focusing on not getting shot. I move forward avoiding the bullets as I move, when I got close to the brown headed man ( there's two blonde's, one red head, one brown, and one black.)

I popped out my wings ( privatly practice alot within a month of making my wings disappear into my back) and hit him with one swipe of them causing him to hit wall with a big thub. My smirk got bigger, I turn to the others, they look at the brown headed man shocked ( he was the biggest in the group).

* warning I'm not good at fighting scenes but I'll try my best. Also you imagine what the guys look like*

They look back at me and just stare at my wings shocked. I tilted my head to one side, I fold my wings against my back.

"It'll be kind of you if you all give me my things back without a fight or you all will die."

I hold out my hand but got shot in my right shoulder. I frowned, I look at my wound and back at them. I make a angry face and I shake my head at them.

"You just made your death bed."

I shot out at them and move out the way of the bullets that were fly at me. I duck and rolled when I got close enough to one of the blonde's I stood up and  knocked him off his feet by punching him in the face and hard to knock him out for a while.

I dodge out of the way before I got shot by the red head. I hit him with my wings causing him to be throne into the wall, I look at the last two men. I ran to them, punched them in the face  and the back of the head. They fall to the ground, I walked to the black head and take his clothes off because he was the smallest guy here.

(The clothes are on the top)

I put the clothes on after I found a clean pair of boxers.

' I should fly after I'm done here instead of stealing a car that I don't really need.'

I look around in the other rooms, I found a satchel (it's easier to carry then a backpack when I need fly) that I put the clothes, water, and weapons I found when looking around (I looked and looked for food but they didn't have any.)

'I need to hurry before the guys wake up.'

I open the front door and walk into the forest that I was in. When I got a mile or two away I pop out my wings and took to the sky.

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