The Death of Me (Asking Alexandria)

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( 1 year and a half later)

Sam and John let me stay, we got alot closer over the past year. Let tell you a secret of mine, I find out that I'm gay and that I have a crush on Sam. Let's just say I find a book of naked guys and got a boner, it was bad.

We moved to the town over in one of the houses after we wiped the town clean of supplies so we move to the next town. I wake up to a gun going off, I rush to my gun and ran down the stairs. I looked for Sam and John, I sighed when I found them in the backyard killing a walking corpse.

"You know that will attract more walking corpses. So we need to move now."

I sighed as I stand there shirtless in my junker pant and boots.

"Yeah I know, so get your stuff together"

I go back to my room and got pack my bag, I put on my shirt.

John become a little borther to me over the past 3 months, I step out the front door and walk to the truck that i found around town.

"Sam heads up"

I throw him the key

" Thank you"

He said as he gets in the front driver seat and John gets shotgun.I lay my bag in the seat next to me in the back. I look out of the window as the houses go by.

"Can we look for a good house to stay in for a long time."

I said as I lay my head on the window.

"We can try"

Sam said as he put on the heater. Winter is getting closer and we have to find a good house to stay in, also get the most of the supplies we can get before it hits us.

For the rest of the day we got supplies around the town before moving on. As the sun moves down behind the hills, the darkness grow thinker by the minute, before we know it, it's pitch dark.

"We need to go."

Sam look around and start heading out of the building. Me and John nod and follow him out. As we got in to the truck,I have a bad feeling in my gut but I ignore it. As we leave the town behind and never looking back.

( two hours later)

The feeling I had before we left town, got worser. I sighed I look away from my windows and out the windshield. I eyes grow big as I see something on the road but some how Sam and John don't see it in time. The next thing I know everything want black.

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